Chapter 20: The Golden Warrior Is...

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Chapter 20: The Golden Warrior Is...


"Spit it or else!" Videl stands in front of my locker waiting for a answer.

"The Golden Warrior was always in the same classroom as us. The person you're looking for... is Gohan." I speak the truth.

"WHAT?!" Videl slams her hand against a locker, "Stop lying to me!"

"I'm telling the truth."

"But... Gohan can't even fight and his hair isn't blonde and his eyes aren't even blue."

"You would be surprised about what him and Tania have been hiding from you. In fact, you would be VERY surprised." I smile.

Videl cracked her knuckles, "How about you begin telling me all that you know!"

"I'll tell you a few things but not everything..."


About a couple hours passed since Tania got angry with me and left. I'm currently searching for her but must rely on my eyes to do the job for me since the girl lowered her ki low enough for me to not sense her too well. Dad is also helping but so far, we aren't having any luck.

"Gohan!" Piccolo's voice suddenly speaks with me telepathically.

"Is that you, Piccolo?"

"Yeah, it's me." He confirms, "Listen up! I ran into Tania in a remote area. From the talk we just had, she's very troubled."

"About what?" I ask.

"Why don't you just search for my ki and bring yourself here. Tania has a few words to say to you."

"Um, all right. I'll be right there." I place my fingers on my forehead and search for Piccolo's ki.

I find the signature and zap myself to it. The place I appeared had already approached nighttime and the area felt cold and lonely. Tania was on top of a boulder looking away from me. I smile upon seeing that she was all right.

"Tania..." I break the silence, "I'm glad to see that you're okay."

"Mhm." She mumbles.

I scratch my head, "Hey um, I'm sorry for-"

"Don't apologize." Piccolo cuts me off, "She already knows that what she saw was nothing more than a dream."

"What? A dream? What do you mean?"

"The enemy put her in a trap. He somehow got her to dream about a few of her subconscious fears. When you got her to wake out of it, she was still traumatized by it."

So if she was yelling about me for thinking that I have feelings for Videl, does that mean she dreamed about us two being together?

"Um, Piccolo. Not that I don't want you around or anything but can you give Tania and I a moment to ourselves please for right now?" I ask.

"Sure." Piccolo flies off some other direction.

After he left, Tania didn't look at me. I sighed and opened my mouth to say something.

"Sorry... Gohan." She speaks before I do.

I blink a few times before realizing she apologized unexpectedly.

"In that weird reality... I was back in my world and-"

"You're world?! But how?"

"That Mamoru guy did something to me after Wisheater brought me over to him." Tania continued, "I couldn't counter what he did and somehow ended in my world, Gohan."

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