Chapter 25: Ohh Prince Edward..

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Chapter 25: Ohh Prince Edward..

It's been a few days since we found out about Ren's true character. Of course, he hasn't been at school as of late. The teachers always asked about his whereabouts but no one knew where the kid was.

"Well, since I'm done taking attendance, how about we resume reading from our play script?" Mr. Crayer takes out his script, "Now—Gohan, Videl, and Tania, will you all come down to the front of the class please?"

"Yes sir..." We all reply at the same time.

Once we all got to the front, we began to read off from where we left off last time.

Gohan had to go first.

He coughed before reading: "Thou art the truest beauty to thy; Thou shalt come to thy arms."

His character was saying that to Videl's character—Princess Umeyo. I can't lie, I was a little jealous—but only a little.

"Sweet Edward! Why must thou side with her?!" I read with a ridiculous amount of enthusiasm.

Mr. Crayer looked at me with a stern expression. That face was scary...

"Err..." I lose my spot, "Where-"

"Why shalt thee JUST be quiet!" Videl interrupted with an even more ridiculous amount of enthusiasm, "Prince Edward loves me and thus shalt do as thout should."

I had to read her line over again to make sure this girl wasn't talking to me like that in her tone of voice. To my great "delight",  Videl was actually skipping over one of my lines.

I decided to ignore this action and listened as Gohan read over his parts. After him, Videl spoke again until finally my line was next.

"Doth thee not knowest thy true... err..." I pause and just thought of the most random thing, "Mr. Crayer, I'm sorry, but why do we have to read a script that's in the Shakespearean language? I don't even know what these characters are saying. I mean, what the heck does thee, thy, doth, and all those other weird words supposed to mean?"

"Tania...!" Gohan gave me a "Just don't question this" kind-of-look.

I guess I should've just stayed quiet also because Mr. Crayer had the most irritated look on his face. This dude did not stop glaring at me like I had just murdered his mother. Some of the students snickered as this incredibly intense moment brushed by.

"Tania—you have two choices: either stop complaining and read your part or give someone else your part and fail the class."

"I shalt just read, sir!" I spoke in the Shakespearean language in hopes of not losing my part in the play.

It seemed to work as Crayer smiled with satisfaction.

I groaned and tried to find my line.

I groaned and tried to find my line

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