Chapter 13: Prince Gohan and Princess...

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Chapter 13: Prince Gohan and Princess...

"Achoo!" I sneeze in my elbow just before English class began.

"Here's a Kleenex." Gohan hands me a tissue as he takes his seat next to Videl, who sits right next to me again.

"Thanks." I say while reaching out to grab the tissue.

"I hope that nasty cold of yours doesn't get to everybody." Videl looks at me in disgust after I yet again sneeze.

"S-Sorry." I sniffle.

About three months has passed since my birthday. During these past several weeks, a few things has happened like: Going out trick or treating with Videl, who dressed up as well... herself; Erasa, who dressed up as this new popular kpop singer; Me, who dressed up as the one and only... Bulma from Capsule Corporation; Sharpner, who dressed up as Hercule hehe; And finally there was Gohan, who actually dressed up as, believe it or not, THE GOLDEN WARRIOR!

Now don't get me wrong, I thought it was cool and it's not like Gohan actually went super saiyan or anything. It's just that it took forever trying to find this hair dye spray can thing that could color his hair blonde but would get rinsed off if water were to splash onto it. Thankfully, Erasa had something like that in her bedroom but only after a long search of course since her rom was messy at the time with loads of magazines, jewelry, and shoes piled everywhere. The blonde also had blue contacts for Gohan to wear. The ending result didn't exactly look like a super saiyan though which was good.

I cannot even begin to tell you how many crimes were going on during the night; I thought they would never end. This actually brings me to my next point: The Great Saiya Squad!

Mine and Gohan's alter ego's have been getting very popular lately. Just the other night, us two were getting interviewed on ZTV! Wow, that was so awkward for me even though I've already been on television before. The fame is just crazy sometimes; I don't really like it as much as Gohan does when it comes to being a superhero though but it's still super fun. I even seen us on Hercule Magazine! Yeah... That magazine exists. Sometimes in school, all I ever hear is how everyone either loves the Saiya Squad or hate them. I personally hear more love than haters. Videl isn't too happy with The Saiya Squad fame.

Thanksgiving was celebrated about three weeks ago; Every restaurant had suddenly went out of business by the end of the day in West City. No joke! I think they're still trying to get their restaurant running. They can thank Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Goten, Trunks, and I for all that money they got in return. Hopefully they use it wisely.

Just this past week, a new seating arrangement was made. Gohan, Videl, and I are no longer near the window. Us three are basically crammed next to a wall that Angela use to sit next to. It goes: Gohan, who is next to the stairs and wall, and has no one to the right of him; Videl, who is next to Gohan; And me, who is next to Videl. Oh yeah! Angela is to the left of me also. Behind us are Erasa and Ren; In front of us is that Jeremy kid; And finally on the opposite side of the class, by the windows, is Sharpner, who is pretty irritated with these new seats. I wouldn't blame him though; I would hate being away from my friends too.

I rested my cheek on my left palm and stared dreamily at the guy two seats away from me.

Good thing i'm next to Gohan.

"ACHOO!" A horrific sneeze blows in through the opened door.

With a handkerchief near to his runny nose, Mr. Crayer sets foot into the room, weakly walking to his podium.

"Man, Mr. Crayer too?" Gohan looks at me then the teacher then back at me.

"It ca-can't be helped." Jeremy blows his nose in a Kleenex, "O-Oh no! Here it comes- ACHOO!"

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