Chapter 18: A Cold Sight- What Tania Cannot Unsee

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Chapter 18: A Cold Sight- What Tania Cannot Unsee

Carrying a flashlight, I walk around the school building hoping to find some clues. I already checked the main entrance and locker room where I had saw that weird shadow the first time. Nothing was there nor was anything in there suspicious...

My patience was running thin. My curiosity was getting the best of me.

"Ugh!" I groan, "What happened that day?! Such a long time ago."

I attempt to retrace my steps by pretending to head to the classes I had. I already checked the locker room that I went in during gym so that was crossed off. The next question was what did I do after that?

Social Studies was a class I had been to. Why not check that room?

I take a step forward and a flash of light zips past me near my feet.

A demanding voice startled me, "Hold it! Who're you?! Why are you in the building?!"

I turn around and realize a janitor stood quite a few feet behind me. His eyes kept locked onto mine. Awkwardly, I step back. At the same time, he took a step forward.

I look around my surroundings and spot a trash can to my right.

Now or never...


I break into a run to the garbage. The janitor chased after me as I did so. In seconds I make it to the filled trash and kick it down. As the waste began to spill out, I again kick the garbage in order to cause it to roll.

The Janitor hops over the trash can but isn't very quite lucky as he lands on the waste poured out from it seconds earlier and slips then falls on a banana peel. Once I saw this, I struggle to hold in a laugh. This moment has definitely had to have been the first time I've seen someone actually slipping because of a banana! It was pretty ridiculous and from the look on the man's face, shameful and embarrassing.

Not wanting to waste anymore time and realizing that there may be more than one person on duty, I needed to get out the building and try again tomorrow. Maybe going to school will help to make me look less suspicious as I inspect my classes...


Numerous minutes passed by as Dad and I try to reach the destination to where Bulma's new tracking device pointed to. On the way there, I couldn't stop thinking about how long it took the scientist just to construct something to have us carry around in replace of the computer itself. It took her all night to construct it and now it was getting close to the afternoon. School was definitely in need of me being absent.

In the distance, a skinny straight white light pierced upwards through the clouds, catching my attention. Quickly I head that direction and spot a figure on the ground laying on their back. My heart raced as I descent and approach it.

This gotta be her... It just has to!

"Tania...?" I bring myself closer.

The body was shaped like a female. Mud stained nearly everywhere on her body while dirt grasped her face, thus making it hard to identify who she was. The only evidence was the light that seemed to be directing itself out of a necklace. Because of this, I realized that this indeed was my dear.

"Tania." I say as I drop to one knee and reach out for her.

Once touching her cheek with my hand, blue, thin, jail-like bars energy shot itself from out the ground, forcing me to hop back while webs of pink silk came along with it and tightly wrapped around Tania's body. It was as if I fell for a trap.

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