Chapter 3

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Camon counted his coins, dropping the golden boxings one by one into the small chest on his table. He still looked a bit stunned, as well he should have. Three thousand boxings was a fabulous amount of money—far more than Camon would earn in even a very good year. I sat beside him, sipping my water silently as he and his closest cronies laughed and slurped ale.

From her corner, Vin locked eyes with me and nodded towards the lair's back room.

I turned to Camon. "I'll be right back."

Camon didn't seem to hear me. He was too focused on his earnings.

I quietly moved through the ash-stained, smoky chamber into the lair's back room. The crew's general sleeping quarters consisted of a simple, elongated corridor lined with bedrolls.

"What is it?" I asked Vin when we were both deep enough into the room that Camon wouldn't be able to hear.

"We need to go."

I frowned. "Go? Go where?"

"Away," Vin whispered. "Just anywhere but here."



"Why? Did something happen?"

Vin hesitated. "No. But I think something might." Her eyes turned pleading. "Please trust me, Y/n."

I paused, then nodded.

"Ulef is coming too," Vin added as she stooped to pick up her small box of personal things. The only thing that I grabbed was an earring that Vin said mother had left for me. I stuck it in my ear.

It was then I realized how much we were leaving behind. Camon and his crew were dirty and unpleasant and sometimes even dangerous, but at least it was secure. At least they could always count on having a place to sleep and food to eat. Now, with the two of us leaving on our own, we'd have to resort to scavenging and begging once more.

But I trust Vin, I thought as we made our way out to the common room. She had never steered me wrong, and she'd already given so much for me. It was the least I could do to stand by her side—

Vin froze just inside the main room. I was confused as to why until I spotted Ulef standing furtively near the front of the room. Near the bar. Near...Camon.

"What is this!" Camon stood, his face red as sunlight. He pushed his stool out of the way, then lurched toward Vin, half drunk. "Running away? Off to betray me to the Ministry, are you!"

Vin grabbed my wrist and dashed toward the stairwell door, desperately dragging me behind her as she scrambled around tables and past crew members.

Camon's hurled wooden stool hit her square in the back. Because of her grip on my wrist, I went down with her, and I yelped as I scraped my hands and knees against the rough floor.

Vin was slightly dazed—I could see it in the way she swayed as she climbed to her feet.

Then Camon was there. He backhanded her even as she stood. Her head snapped to the side from the blow and she hit the floor again.

"Stop!" I pleaded.

Camon bent over, grabbing her by the front of her shirt and pulling her up, raising his fist.

I didn't pause to think or to speak; there was only one thing to do. I used up all of my Luck in a single furious effort, pushing against Camon, calming his fury.

Camon teetered. For a moment, his eyes softened. He lowered her slightly.

Then the anger returned to his eyes. Hard. Terrifying.

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