Chapter 16

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When I awoke, the pain I felt muddled my head. Where was I? Was I back with Camon? Had he decided to hit me again? But no, my pain seemed too strong for that. I couldn't ever remember something hurting this much.

I coughed slightly, opening my eyes. I lay in a bed that was far too comfortable, and a lanky teenage boy sat in a chair beside my bed.

Lestibournes, I thought. That's his name. I'm in Clubs's shop.

Lestibournes jumped to his feet. "You're awaking!"

I tried to speak, but just coughed again, and the boy hurriedly gave me a cup of water. I sipped it thankfully, grimacing at the pain in my side. In fact, my entire body felt like it had been pummeled soundly.

"Lestibournes," I finally croaked.

"Notting as the now," he said. "Crewmembers wasing the hit with my name; changed it to Spook."

"How long have I been asleep?"

"Two weeks," the boy said. "Wait here."

He scrambled away, and I could hear him calling out in the distance. Two weeks? I sipped at the cup, trying to organize my muddled memories.

Reddish afternoon sunlight shone through the window, lighting the room. I set the cup aside, checking my side, where I found a large white bandage. That's where the Inquisitor hit me, I thought. My side was bruised and discolored from where I'd hit the roof after falling, and my body bore a dozen other nicks, bruises, and scrapes. All in all, I felt absolutely terrible. I should be dead. I—

My eyes widened.


I swung my legs over the side of the bed. Once my feet touched the floor, however, my knees buckled and I fell—only catching myself on the nightstand table beside the bed. Pain rushed through my side, sharp and strong as a bolt of lightning.

I have to see if Kelsier's okay, I thought, desperation clawing at me. I tried to push on the nightstand to give me leverage to stand—

"Y/n!" Dockson said, rushing into the room. "Lord Ruler, what are you doing?"

"Kelsier," I said in a rush. "Is he okay? Is he here? I need to—"

"You've reopened your stitches," Dockson sighed, catching me by the upper arms and gently urging me back to bed.

"Where's Kelsier?" I demanded.

"He's fine," Dockson said. I was trying to fight against his hold, but my legs were too weak, and I had to lay back down. Dockson produced a vial. "Drink this."

"What is—"

Dockson put the vial to my lips and a bitter-tasting liquid ran down my throat. I coughed as he pulled the vial away.

Suddenly a cloud of relaxation settled over my mind. My eyelids felt heavy.

"What did you give me?" I whispered, looking at Dockson with bleary eyes.

"Something to help with the pain...and there's a mild sedative."

I tried to shake my head, but it was difficult. "No....please...have to see...if...."

The rest of my thoughts were cut off as darkness pulled me under like a sheet.


When I awoke, the first thing I saw was a pair of brilliant blue eyes.

"Kelsier!" I exclaimed, trying to sit up in bed. Pain flared again—

"Hey, whoa," Kelsier said, darting to his feet and gently grasping my shoulders, delicately pushing me back against the pillows. "Don't try to get up right now. You need—what's wrong?"

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