Chapter 24

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Kelsier tossed another water jug into his pack. "Breeze, make a list of all the hideouts where you and I recruited. Go warn them that the Ministry might soon have prisoners who could give them away."

Breeze nodded, for once refraining from making any witty remarks. Behind him, apprentices scrambled through Clubs's shop, gathering and preparing the supplies that Kelsier had ordered.

"Dox, this shop should be secure unless they capture Yeden. Keep all three of Clubs's Tineyes on watch. If there's trouble, head for the bolt-lair."

Dockson nodded in acknowledgment as he hurriedly gave orders to the apprentices. One had already left, bearing a warning to Renoux.

Kelsier thought that the mansion would be safe—only that one group of barges had left from Fellise, and its men had thought that Renoux wasn't in on the plan. Renoux wouldn't pull out unless absolutely necessary; his disappearance would require removing both himself and Valette from their carefully prepared positions. Kelsier stuffed a handful of rations into his pack, then swung it onto his back.

"What about me, Kell?" Ham asked. "You're going back to the Garrison, like you promised. That was clever thinking—we need an informant in there."

Ham frowned apprehensively.

"I don't have time to deal with your nerves right now, Ham," Kelsier said. "You don't have to scam, just be yourself and listen."

"I won't turn against the Garrison if I go with them," he said. "I'll listen, but I'm not going to attack men who think I'm their ally."

"Fine," Kelsier said curtly. "But I sincerely hope you can find a way not to kill any of our soldiers, either. Sazed!"

"Yes, Master Kelsier?"

"How much speed do you have stored up?"

Sazed flushed slightly, glancing at the numerous people scurrying around. "Perhaps two, three hours. It is a very difficult attribute to collect."

"Not long enough," Kelsier said. "I'll go alone. Dox is in charge until I get back."

Kelsier spun, then paused.

Y/n stood behind him in the same trousers, cap, and shirt she had worn to the Garrison. She had a pack like his slung over her shoulder, and she looked up at him.

So many things between them were unsaid. So many things that needed to be said.

But right now there were other things that needed to be focused on.

"This is going to be a difficult trip, Y/n," he said. "You've never done anything like this before."

"That's fine."

Kelsier hesitated. There was a nervousness to her, but also a spark behind her eyes that made the color of her irises piercing. He wanted her to stay here in the shop, to hole up in her room and not even peek her head out until everything had blown over.

But she would never agree to that. And he knew that she didn't deserve that. As much as he was worried for Y/n's safety, he wanted her to spread her wings, not have them clipped.

Kelsier nodded.

He pulled his trunk out from beneath the table, then opened it and poured Y/n a small pouch of pewter beads. She accepted it without comment.

"Swallow five of those beads," he ordered.


"For now," Kelsier said. "If you need to take some more, call to me so we can stop running."

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