Chapter 25

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I lay in my bed at Clubs's shop, feeling my head throb. Fortunately, the headache was growing weaker. I could still remember waking up on that first horrible morning; the pain had been so strong I'd barely been able to think, let alone move. I didn't know how Kelsier had kept going, leading the remnants of the army to a safe location.

That had been over two weeks ago. Fifteen full days, and my head still hurt.

Kelsier said it was good for me. He claimed that I needed to practice "pewter dragging," training my body to function beyond what it thought possible.

It might well be a useful skill to have. I could acknowledge this, now that my head wasn't pounding quite so much.

I rose, stretching tiredly. We'd been back for less than a day. Kelsier had probably stayed up half the night explaining events to the other crewmembers. I, however, had been happy to go straight to bed.

I yawned, rubbed my temples again, then threw on a robe and made my way to the bathroom. I was pleased to see that Clubs's apprentices had remembered to draw me a bath.

I locked the door, disrobed, and settled into the warm, lightly scented bathwater. Had I ever really found those scents obnoxious? The smell would make me less inconspicuous, true, but that seemed a slim price for ridding myself of the dirt and grime I'd picked up while traveling.

Once finished bathing, I returned to my room, dressed in something practical, and made my way downstairs. Apprentices bustled in the workroom and housekeepers worked upstairs, but the kitchen was quiet. Clubs, Dockson, Ham, and Breeze sat at the morning meal.

They looked up as I entered.

"What?" I asked, pausing in the doorway. The bath had soothed my headache somewhat, but it still pulsed slightly in the back of my head.

The four men exchanged glances. Ham spoke first. "We were just discussing the status of the plan, now that both our employer and our army are gone."

Breeze raised an eyebrow. "Status? That's an interesting way of putting it, Hammond. I would have said 'unfeasibility' instead."

Clubs grunted his assent, and the four turned to me, apparently waiting to see my reaction.

Why do they care so much what I think? I thought, walking into the room and taking a chair.

"You want something to eat?" Dockson said, rising. "Clubs's housekeepers fixed some baywraps."

I shook my head. "Water, please." I leaned forward, folding my arms on the table and resting my head on them.

Ham had the nerve to chuckle. "Pewter drag?"

I nodded.

"It'll pass," he said.

"If I don't die first," I grumbled.

Ham chuckled again.

Dox handed me a glass of water, then sat, glancing at the others. "So, Y/n. What do you think?"

"I don't know," I said with a sigh. "The army was pretty much the center of everything, right? Breeze, Ham, and Yeden spent all their time recruiting; Dockson and Renoux worked on supplies. Now that the soldiers are gone...well, that only leaves Marsh's work with the Ministry and Kell's attacks on the nobility—and neither are things he needs us for."

The room fell silent.

"She has a depressingly blunt way of putting it," Dockson said.

"Pewter drag will do that to you," Ham noted.

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