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Hii long time no see guys and Merry late Christmas/Happy Holidays! I'm really sorry for the long wait and i hope it was worth it! I wrote a part of this in class LMAO. My friend started reading this so hi fart whatsuppppp! Btw I was thinking about making a mizuena fanfic when im done with this one so lemme know if you think its a good idea!!



Whose arm is this? It's so warm, I don't want it to go away. Maybe should I turn around and see who it is.
My eyelids, they're so heavy I think I'm falling asleep... (L bozo can't stay up late)

(around morning time)

Woah, is it 10am right now or am I that sleepy? 
I slowly open my eyes, about to reach out to grab my phone and check what time it is. Instead I am woken up by Mafuyu's face... again. Unlike some people, I will not make the same mistake twice. 

Oh but I could just, stay here, in Mafuyu's arms until I die.


Okay okay voice inside my head, I'll just turn around and grab my phone.
I turn around and-


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" I screamed. At this point everyone had woken up, even the deep deep sleepers who are almost impossible to wake up. Except for Rui because of course he has noise cancelling headphones too.

"What. Was. That. Kanade." Ena complained removing her sleeping mask. 
"Yeah dude you woke everyone up." Mizuki rubbed her eyes.

"Well it's because Emu SCREAMED wonderhoy in my face!" I argued.

"IM SORRY YOISAKI SAN!!" Emu apologised. "I JUST WANTED TO MAKE YOU SMILE!" She started crying. She couldn't stop apologizing.
Almost immediately Nene started hugging her, then stared at me as if this was all my fault. Which I don't think it was but that doesn't matter right now. Because I must've woken up Maf-

"Can we just continue being half awake?" Mafuyu mumbled, cuddling up closer to me. I swear to god I could see Ena smirking so hard when Mafuyu did that.

And so everyone continued being on their phones, cuddling with the person next to them and/or something else. 
I was gladly wrapping my arms around Mafuyu while scrolling on my phone. I could most definetly die at peace this way.


How will I tell mom about this...

I love a girl a lot and now I'm doomed because that means I have to eventually accept that I'm not straight. 
The longer I let myself collapse into Kanade's arms, the more I am sure that I'm a lesbian. Her hair smells unsurprisingly good. Smells a bit like cup noodles, but it reminds me of her so it's still a good smell. I can hear her fingers swiping up on her phone screen. I wonder what she's looking at.

I hear some sly footsteps, one- no, two people walking around. I think someone left the SEKAI...

I can't be bothered to check who it is.


Ena and I are sneaking out to get breakfast for everyone. I hope no one heard us, we we're trying really hard not to distract anyone.
She grabbed my hand and lead me out of her home and into a nearby convenience store. 

"WOAH MIKI LOOK!!" Ena pointed to the refrigerated section. "THEY HAVE ONIGIRI!" she squealed. "Woahh it looks really good!" I responded to her. "Don't worry I will get you one." 
I grabbed one and put it into the shopping bag. "AWWW THANK YOU!!!" She hugged me. "Anything for youuu" I laughed. 

We continued shopping, we decided to get some fruits, jam and pastries. You know, a Iittle something for everyone. Except for Rui because he hides everything in the world up his ass /j.

We walked back to my place to get back to the SEKAI and bring our friends breakfast. I stepped into my room, got a hold of Ena's hand and clicked on the file for the school SEKAI. And just like that we are in school SEKAI.

"Guys we got breakfast!!" I exclaimed. 

"EEEEEEK BREAKFAST! NENE THERE'S BREAKFAST!!" Emu squealed to Nene. "Yes yes I heard." She replied.


I guess it's breakfast time now. Man I don't think I can get myself to wake Mafuyu up. I don't think I can get myself out of this position either. But then again I'm hungry and I also want Mafuyu to eat too so it is my duty. 

"Hi Mafuyu" I whispered. "It's time to wake up", I rubbed her back in circles. She tucked herself even more instead of waking up. "I don't wanna..", she mumbled. 
Ena started smirking at me again, I swear she is so dead once she gets all cuddly with Mizuki.

"C'mon Mafuyu", I pushed her a little bit away from me so that I could see her face. "We need to have some breakfast man, especially you". I got up helping her up by holding her hand. 
As we walked over to see what there was for breakfast her eyes swayed from how tired she was. You can't blame the girl, she just woke up. 

"Okay everyone! Attention please!!", Ena announced. "Please grab the food you want but don't over do it obviously. You can take everything except for..", she searched around the table for it. "Aha found it!" she grabbed the only onigiri on the table. 
"Hey why does she get to have an onigiri??", Rui complained. "Rui, respectfully, shut up." Mizuki shot back at him. 

Everyone grabbed what they wanted to eat.
I grabbed a banana, I made sure I got the freshest looking one. Along with that I took a croissant (QUASO).
Mafuyu only took two apples. It was quite interesting to me, why she only took two apples. Why do I sound like an old british man holy crap I will never talk like that again.

"You must really like apples Mafuyu." I noted. 
"Yeah I do, they're really good", she peeped. She was almost immediately in a better mood. We peacefully ate together. 

"Kanade" She said. "can I have a bite of your croissant?"

"Of course Yuki!" I answered. I held the croissant in front of her mouth for her to bite. Her teeth sank in the buttery croissant and bit a piece out.  

"Oooo Kanade whatcha doingggg", Ena giggled with Mizuki. I couldn't be bothered anymore honestly. They tease me as if they were the straightest people alive. Which uhm, no. they aren't that at all.


"Well guys I think everything looks cleaned up now so feel free to leave. Thank you all for coming to the party, it was a blast being with all of you!" Mizuki announced. I packed my things and left with Mafuyu.

oh right

where is she going to go now?


yep I am ending it at a cliffhanger!! I know how I want this story to end now and I have more time. So I hope you enjoyed this chapter and well see you again soon!


word count: 1145 

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