Home is where you are.

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Anyway I wanted to say THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!! Why? Because this fic has been taking a while AND ITS #1 IN THE #kanamafu HASHTAG!! Thank you guys so so so much I could have never imagined coming this far with a kanamafu fanfic!! I also tried to make a longer chapter this time so I hope you guys enjoy :3 and an important announcement will be at the end of the chapter!!



Mafuyu can't go back to her house. She can't.

I won't let her.

"Mafuyu, are you seriously thinking about going back home." I asked her as we arrived back at my house.

"What are you talking about?" she mumbled. "Home is where you are, Kanade." she placed her hands around my waist and smiled.

At this point I thought I was watching a custom made thirst trap for me.

"I'm assuming you mean my place", she added. "I have to go back, K."

"But you can't"

"And why not?"

"Because I won't let you", I sank in her arms. "You'll just get hurt again, like the other day."

"If I don't it'll just get worse. I can always run away to your place when I want to. I know how to as well." she assured me.  "I'll be fine, don't worry".

I looked up at her and took her word for it. If she needed anything, she would come to me.

She got her stuff and started heading towards the main door. I thought she would look more hesitant with leaving, but she seemed very sure in her decision. I trust her, but, a part of me is still petrified by the thought of her going back to her house.
Mafuyu's mom better stay away from me, because if I had the chance to I would punch her (your arms are strong enough to PUNCH?!?)

"I'll get going then...", she looked my way and smiled. Her hand slowly opened the door, but before she left I just HAD to.

"Wait Mafuyu!"
I grabbed her other wrist that wasn't holding onto the doorknob. I placed my hand on her face and got on the tip of my toes. I leaned in and gave her a kiss.

"Hope you didn't think I'd let you go without a kiss." I chuckled.

Soon Mafuyu's face was a soft pink and she smiled. 
We exchanged some soft looks at each other before she went out the door. 

Now she wasn't laying down in my bed, sick anymore.

She wasn't sitting on my bed either.

She wasn't standing on my doorstep.

After having Mafuyu next to me for almost two days (two months in lesbian time), it's outlandish for me not seeing her in my apartment.

I got really used to her living with me...


I walked down the stairs of the apartment building. 

Could I have stayed at Kanade's place? Yes but no. 

You deserve how your parents treat you

Okay voice in my head, that was uhm, very random of you...
I shake my head and start focusing on getting back home. I wonder what my mom will say. I wonder what my dad will do. What am I even saying? Of course my mom is going to yell and my dad is going to probably hit me. 

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