Bella and Alex Session. (Fluff)

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 I've had this fic saved for a while and decided to post it. IT IS A UNIQUE AND INDEPENDENT CHAPTER! However, it fits in with two more stories on the theme of the single dad Alex here. Here you will find Alex comforting Reader about her not feeling confident enough to take care of Bella (his daughter) alone while he is on tour + Bella calling Reader 'mum' for the first time.


You could hear Alex's soft voice with his strong accent, inducing relaxation, akin to a child being lulled with cute lullabies before going to bed. His home, along with the presence of both, was already so comforting. It felt like finding a family that had adopted you; the thought made you smile as you set out some dishes for dinner. Bella was telling you stories about her school friends, making you feel included in her life. It was a realization that she saw you as a constant presence in her daily routine, trusting you. Occasionally, you glanced at her, nodding at her big chocolate eyes, exactly like her dad's, and she swayed her hair, which you had styled in the morning. Her face lit up with a light smile, feeling heard, and it encouraged her to share more. You loved that.

Alex was in a meeting in the room next door, yes, an online one, which sometimes brought chuckles to yourself because he was impatient with technology. Even from the kitchen, you could hear him typing and clicking the mouse with an unusual force for any laptop. If you were attentive enough, you could also catch his deep and prolonged sighs due to something beyond his control taking longer to load.

In a couple of months, precisely two, he would be leaving for a leg of the band's tour, and you had agreed to stay with Bella. That meant spending most of your time with her and having Penny take care of her when you needed to work in person. You didn't like the idea of being away from Alex, but you couldn't deny that you were excited to spend more time with Bella (she was excited too, which made Alex cringe every time she showed that, even though it was genuine, and you laughed). Consequently, you were more than determined to show Alex that you were reliable for such a responsibility, even though he had never questioned or shown reluctance about the topic. But the mind plays tricks on us, and yours had already crafted an odyssey. Thinking about disappointing Alex, or Bella, made you feel bad on an inexplicable level.

"Are you okay, Mum?" Bella jumped up, startled, and despite realizing how she had called you, she didn't worry about it when she saw your shocked state. The noise had been loud, the subsequent silence somewhat eerie, and all you could hear was your racing heart. One of the plates slipped from your hand as you reached for it on the shelf, a prior carelessness leading to more cutlery from tumbling to the ground. It would have been fine if you hadn't realized that you had cut yourself in the process. A brief glance at your hand, now covered in red, left you feeling a bit dizzy. Leaning against the sink, the faucet still running without you remembering why you turned it on, you instinctively covered your hand with a dishcloth, but your soul would take a while to return to your body. You had never been good with that sort of thing.

Things seemed slow, but they were actually happening quite quickly. Despite your trembling voice, you asked Bella not to move, and she nodded, though you hated the frightened look she gave you. Within seconds, Alex was entering the kitchen, concerned, his eyebrows furrowed, and your mind despised every minute of it. It was like being younger and messing up at your parents' house, knowing that reprimands were coming; your inner self was undoubtedly haunted by some traumas.

Alex wasn't adept at handling an overload of information, but there was something, perhaps stemming from his role as a father, that made him excel in situations like these (or as he liked to put it, he just liked to protect those he loved). He held your waist, turning off the tap, the image of his flip-flop-clad feet navigating the shards towards you, and his calm, sweet voice asking Bella to remain seated, playing repeatedly in your head like flashbacks from past lives. You knew you were worrying too much about it, but you couldn't help it. He sat you down beside Bella, and you could feel their concern over you. "It's okay, babe. Everything'll be okay," his words sounded incoherent to you. Sweat beaded on your forehead, and a lump formed in your throat as you saw the scattered glass all over the floor and the cloth in your hand starting to change color.

Alex Turner/One Shots. (Smuts And Non-Smuts)Where stories live. Discover now