15. steak

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It had been a few days since the kiss with Mike

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It had been a few days since the kiss with Mike. Things felt normal between us again - the only difference was that a kiss was had. He had texted me this morning about having dinner together, did that mean he was going to take me on a nice date? Would I get to dress up and finally look put together for him? Potentially.

My plans were soon ruined as Mike texted me to just come over. I didn't want to be disappointed considering I wasn't even sure what was going on between us, but a part of me expected a date of some kind - even Carter took me out on a date after our first kiss. 

I decided to curl my hair and throw on some light make-up to go over and see Mike. I didn't want to overdo it, but I didn't want to underdo it. I settled on wearing a pair of my favorite Levi's and a comfy pink sweater I had recently ordered from Anthropologie. My platform Uggs and gold jewelry topped the outfit off.  

After my quick drive to Mike's, I pulled into the familiar driveway. Approaching the door, I tossed my hair over my shoulders so the curls would be on full display. Before I could knock, the door swung open and Mike was in the doorway with a kitchen table draped over his shoulder and a smile plastered on his face.

"Good to see you." he said, giving me a sweet smile as he opened the door and gave me a hug.

 I could smell the cologne on him. He smelled like a forest full of pine trees, but also mixed with the smell of some kind of after shave. I looked at his face and realized he definitely had shaved. 

"You too." I said, matching his smile. The house smelled like something was cooking and I realized it was him. He was either cooking for us or his sister.

"Hi Miles."

Abby was sitting at the kitchen table coloring and had a small smile on her face when she spotted me.

"Hey Abby, what's up?"

"Coloring." she responded, holding up a drawing that full of color.

I felt Mike take my hand and lead me into the kitchen. 

"She's going over to her friend's house for a little bit tonight, so I figured I'd make us dinner here." he responded, pointing to the food that was decorated all over the counter.

"It looks amazing." I said, looking down at the steak.

A knock came on the door and it was Abby's friend. She was whisked away within a few minutes and it was just Mike and I left.

"I'm sorry I'm cooking here and not taking you out. Money is a bit tight right now with Christmas gifts for Abby and you know, I just thought it'd be more special if I cooked myself." he admitted, looking a bit embarrassed.

Miles from a few months ago would've been a brat and demanded him take me to the nicest restaurant in Hurricane, but he had destroyed that version of me and suddenly being simple wasn't too bad. 

𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐃𝐈𝐆𝐀𝐍 , mike schmidtWhere stories live. Discover now