My Main Harem Characters at the moment

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Opheila Peverell

Age: 17

Race: Immortal Witch


Likes: her magic, her mates, house elfs, nice people/beastmen, her friends

Dislikes: her family, Dumbledore, most of the wizarding world,some females of the beastmen world, Bai Qingqing, Parker

Dislikes: her family, Dumbledore, most of the wizarding world,some females of the beastmen world, Bai Qingqing, Parker

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Age: 1036

Race: Dragon Beastmen (Feral)

Power: Pentra Marked Beastman

Likes: Peace, His mate, House elfs, His mates other males, hunting

Dislikes: annoying males, anyone upsetting his mate, mermen.

Dislikes: annoying males, anyone upsetting his mate, mermen

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(Pretend hair is blue)


Age: 33

Race: White Tiger Beastmen

Power: Tetra Marked Beastman

Likes: Peace, His mate, House elfs, His mates other males, hunting

Dislikes: annoying males, anyone upsetting his mate, ferals

Dislikes: annoying males, anyone upsetting his mate, ferals

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Age: 692

Race: Snake Beastmen (Feral)

Power: Pentra Marked Beastman

Likes: Peace, His mate, the sun, His mates other males, hunting

Dislikes: annoying males, anyone upsetting his mate, cold.

Dislikes: annoying males, anyone upsetting his mate, cold

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Age: 220

Race: Merman Beastmen (Feral)

Power: Tetra Marked Beastman

Likes: Peace of the waters, His mate, the water, His mates other males, hunting, training.

Dislikes: annoying males, anyone upsetting his mate, other mermen or clans.

Dislikes: annoying males, anyone upsetting his mate, other mermen or clans

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Age: 20

Race: Wolf Beastmen

Power: Duo Marked Beastman

Likes: Protecting the city, His mate, House elfs, His mates other males, hunting.

Dislikes: annoying males, anyone upsetting his mate, ferals.

There will be a few more and if you have any ideas let me know ;-)

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There will be a few more and if you have any ideas let me know ;-)

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