Chapter Thirteen: Suprise and New Suitor

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Opheila looked out her window and sighed at the snow. They had not meant to stay so long, but apparently, the cold season had come early.
She made sure Winston knew of ways to smoke meat to help other beastmen and used her magic to heat the homes in the city a little.
She had been feeling strange lately, and her magic had been flutter, so she decided not to risk her magic and called Harvey to check her.

As Opheila waiting for Harvey to come back from checking on a local female at the behest of her male.
Opheila other mates were talking quietly about her smelling sweeter and a little different, Axel and the other put it down to her cycle due, but Winston was not in agreement.
About an hour later, while Opheila was lying down due to being tired,Harvey returned home and stopped when he saw his family brooding in the living room, and Shuu was pacing back and forth but was concerned.

"What is wrong?"

They all shot up at his voice, and Winston approached him.

"Opheila was not feeling well, and she said there were flutters in her magic. She is asleep at the moment. Check her, please."

Harvey had a look of concern but nodded and went straight upstairs to Opheila.
He opened the door slowly and then walked in before making his way quietly to a sleeping Opheila. She was lying in her back, her face looking towards him and her breathing slow.
Harvey was in awe of her. She was the most beautiful female he had ever seen. She had his dark beauty to her that made you want to follow her anywhere.
She surpassed any female he had ever met, including Bai Qingqing.
He came up beside her and heard Winston by the door as he was not a mate yet and could not be along with her, he lifted his hands and started to quickly check her over before leaning his sensed something and leaned his head down.
He listened out till he heard were it was coming from and smiled then started to check her more now he knew what was happening, once he was done he stepped away and left the room with Winston following and saw her mates standing their waiting for Harvey to tell them what was wrong with their mate.

"She is pregnant."

Harvey said with a smile, and all the males froze in shock as they knew Opheila wanted to wait, but they could not help but be thrilled.

"She is some how carry a mix litter."

Harvey said with a small smile because it was great but dangerous.


Axel asked with concern because Dragons eggs could take up to 3 months in their mother and another three with their father. He needed to be ready if it was him.

"One felt like you, Axel, another like Winston and another like Shuu."

Crimson and Aron said it was not them, but they would be next since.
The others were in shock that they would be fathers but were thrilled.

"We are lucky that Winston and Shuu species are similar in their gestation of three months if they are male. What about you, Axel?"

"We are three months in the mother, and then fathers look after the egg."

Harvey felt relieved at that, Opheila would not have to lose any of her young, so the males set out to prepare things for Opheila but Crimson and Shuu were left at the house to keep an eye out for males that were not welcomed, so far they had been successful bar one, a very stubborn black panther who seemed to be leaving things at the door for their mate, he was strong and young but held well against so many Tetra and Pentra males.

Later that day Opheila woke up feeling a little better, she got then did her business before getting dressed and went down stairs, she saw on the clock thst it was late morning and was suprised that she slept in so long, she never did that then she saw Crimson and Shuu, thry saw her and shot up quickly from the books they were reading to learn her language.

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