Chapter Eleven: Drama on a day out

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Opheila woke up to being wrapped in Shuu's arms with a smile. She looked at his sleeping face and saw the content smile on his.
Opheila leans up and kisses his chin then his lips and Shuu replicates with joy and when he opened his eyes he was met with Opheila looking st him with love which he returned thinking about how luck he was to have such a female and then he sees further down with his mark on one of her shoulders with the wolf on it way to her heart which filled him with joy, it was a great position for a mark and he bent down to kiss it.

After a while, they separated, but he followed Opheila into the bathroom and was amazing, but what he saw and she explained it all to him and what its function was.
He had such a special female and was thrilled for it, once they Opheila was washed, thry went down stairs for breakfast, she found Winston, Axel and Aron there waiting for her with Shuu following behind, she smiled at them all and gave them each a kiss in the cheek before eating, she looked at them.while she ate and saw two of the four stunned, she giggles snapping them out of it but they all smiled at her which she returned.
Once she was done, she shivered and was unsure why but ignored it for now.

"I would like to go for a walk today around the city."

They all nodded at Opheila as she smiled at them before cleaning the dishes and showing her males how to do it for the future, they all paid close attention to her work and when she was done it was time to leave, she out her boots on, checked herself in the mirror then walked out of the house, she was captivated by the plant life and trees, her mates and suitors watched her with smiles on their faces as she danced around but growled at other males that got to close thrn when tjry got close to the market, Winston picked her up so she could not just be snatched away.
They knew she could protect herself, but she all understood the protective instincts they had and let them do as they would to relax a little more.

There were still early and a lot of females would not be out yet so Opheila felt great she would get first pick, the first few stalls were nice and she bought a few items putting them in her expandable bag which Axel held for her then thry came to one stall that had pretty jewellery most of it was sea shells or broken crystals done in a strange mosic style, then some tjst looked almost Aztec in style then a beastman came behind and was about to speak till he met Opheila eyes and stared in shock then went a little red cheek, she looked at him with a small smile noticing no marks but she could feel the power coming of him so she gathered he was a Pentra marked male, he was tall with red hair and eyes thst looked a little like fire then she pointed with a smile to a red necklace that looked like a Ruby and he quickly picked it up and gave it to her and when was about to hand over a crystal.

"It is a gift for you, female."

He said with his face going even redder but could see her mates frown but did not say a word.

"You are here to earn crystals, though, or do wish to become my suitor with Aron?"

Opheila said with a small smile then indicated to who Aron was and he just smiled and nodded a little which Opheila found adorable before telling him to come by to visit and court her in the future which he nodded eagerly.
They left his stall and carried on looking at others before stopping for lunch, Axel had one of the house elfs drop off food he picked up and returned which they ate by the lake talking and flirting with Aron having a swim before heading back to finish the mark for the day, they had looked at two other stalls before they heard the whiny voice of Rosa and the annoying voice of Parker shouting at each other.

They approached the scene and Opheila saw that strange asian girl from the bonfire standing there looking pitfil next to Parker while Rosa and her males were tring to be intimating, Opheila had to withhold a giggle at the scene, her mates looked at their mate with a smile because hey too found thr scene almost comical then my mates tensed for a second when the red snake appeared and wrapped himself around the asian girl and a thrilled marked Eagle beastman stood near her but the pentra marked saw them as no threat as there was a large power difference between them.

The situation looked like it was about to get out of hand when Opheila had enough.

"How pathetic."

She said in her most coldest voice, making every shiver, including the tetra mark snake man, who looked at the female in awe.
Curtis was tied to the little female now but he was a little flustered by the female in front of him but what made him pause was the power in her eyes and he could feel it roll of her and most of her males as well.
Rosa looked at the beautiful female walking through the crowd, she would never admit how scary the female was, she was also angry that this female was more beautiful then her and her mother beast or any queen in the city.
She promised her father beast and the Ape king she would not upset the female more than she already had but she was a female and her father was a king, what was the point of listening to silly males.

"Who do you think you are? I am the daughter of the Tiger King."

"You are a pathetic little girl, trying to play a game she does not understand, and he is a pathetic little boy who needs to grow up, and she needs a life lesson."

Opheila said, indicating with her hand to Rosa,Parker and the asian girl with a look of bordem and seeing the beastmen nodding around her agreeing then she looked at the crowd.

"What was this fight about now?"

Opheila asked the beastmen and stopped wither party from talking when one came forward.

"Rosa was trying to convince Parker to be her mate and was going to attack his mate Qingqing."

Opheila shook her head in disbelief before looking at a flushed angry Rosa and a some what smug Qingqing, but Opheila tsks at both girls.

"Trying to take another by force, that's like a female feral, and you little girl do not look so smug, that fact you are leading the silly boy on, is not helping you."

Both of them go a little more red at that before they could speak Parker barked out.

"Silly boy? I am Parker, Leopard Prince, and a Duo marked male."

"You are a child throwing a tantrum like little Rosa here and you Qingqing i believe your name was.
You are in the beast world now, you resistance to their way of life, the prejudice and downright disrespectful. You NEED more males to keep you safe from those who do not care for female only wish to hurt them or breed them. It is not hard to love more than one, I most certainly do not mind, I love every one of my mates, and I know I can love my suitors too. You are still so very young and think you are right. It does not help that you have no backbone."

Opheila said with derision as she looked at Qingqing and then at a hissing Curtis before she hissed back for him to shut up, which in his shock he did.

"Keep your drama away from here as Beastmen are trying to trade.....leave...NOW."

Opheila added magic to her voice and everyone dispersed leaving Opheila with her mates, she looked at them and her suitor Aron looking at her with desire and she just gave a shy smile before walking off and thry following her, she knew tonight she would be getting ravage by all her mates but what she did not know was a single stripe beastman watching her with awe and knew he made the right decision to follow her, he knew the moment he met her eyes at Camel Hump Valley that she was the mate for him.

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