Chapter Eight: Bonfire

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Opheila was picked up and carried in Axel arm as they walked towards tiger castle, they waited outside for Winston to gather his things, the tiger beastmen guarding the castle were watching her with curiosity but did not risk approaching due to the fierce look they were getting from her other mate.
Winston came out a few minutes later with an annoyed look on his face but smiled at the sight of Opheila before they left, they went to somewhere close  with a water source and away from the main centre of the city, they found a nice two storey house made of stone.
Once it was purchased they went inside and saw that it was completely bare inside, so drawing in her magic Opheila took in a deep breath then realised it out slowly using her transfiguration to change the inside to a useful home.
Everything inside would last at least three months, which was more than enough time in the city for her.

Winston offered to make things for her and she insisted once they returned to the island then she was happy for him to do as she did not want to make everything out of magic and he was happy with that decision, she just felt it was a waste as it might be left behind when they leave.

"There is a bonfire tonight, everyone is you want to go?"

Opheila looked at Winston and could tell for the most part he did not, but he also seemed to want to show her off.

"I do not see why not, I will even show my face."

Opheila said with a smile full of mischief, and you would hear the sighs from both her mates.
She laughed before running up the stairs and changing from her green dress to a blue one with dangling star earrings and a few stars in her lightly curly hair.
Once she was done, she looked at the mirror one last time before checking on her mates and finding them in heavy lion cloths she gave them as they all knew it would be strange for them to start wearing trousers.

They walked for about thirty minutes to the bonfire location and saw not many beastmen on the way, but as they got closer, they saw many beastmen going around waiting for more females to turn up.

The beastmen that gathered were all talking amongst themselves about the new females and a few making fun of Winston female saying 'she must be ugly to cover her face' or 'is she being forced or 'she smelled nice'.
Was the common theme, Wilbert the ape king was listening to their conversations and he could not lie but he was intrigued by this new female.
When someone gasp they all looked to see the most beautiful walked towards the bonfires with Winston and Axel flowing behind her, her dress flowing behind her, the walk to a campfire near the back with a smile that seemed to captivate all the males present, they some feelings of jealousy and envy was showing when she openly showed affection for her males.

Shuu saw her coming into the bonfire area, and he swallowed hard when seeing her. She was the most beautiful female he had ever seen and was going to get stronger so he would be worthy of her.

Wilbert was shocked, he had never seen a female look like that even his Qin would fall a bit short, her smile was full of love and mischief but she also had an air of authority about her thst made you pay attention but he knew it was too late for him.
He then saw more coming and pulled his gaze away from her, he was told from others that they are not staying long so they will not be an inconvenience to his plans but he was slightly reconsidering now.

Opheila smiled at her mates as they started getting food ready with the herbs she gave them. They laughed and joked about different things, but she noticed more females arriving with their males.
The last too arrive was thr little asian girl who from her understanding was bear her own age in muggle terms but as she was magical her development went quicker.

"Welcome everyone, let us celebrate the joining of new females to the city. Let the games commence."

The ape king said then males started fighting, Opheila ignored them when she saw the asian girl looking her way, she turned to her mates wih a smile because there was something about the girl that screamed drama and trouble like her brother did.

Most males stayed away from their fire in fear of her mates, and she was fine with that. If they could not handle her two mates, then they were unworthy to stand beside her.
Opheila was pulled out of thoughts a few moments later when the wolf she noticed earlier in the day appeared and was carrying a very large boar. He walked and placed it down. He seemed shy but determined.

"Hello, beautiful female, my name is Shuu. I would like to present this to you as a gift in hopes you would consider letting me court you?"

Her mates went still at that as usual they would ask to mate right away, but that he is asking is showing respect to her mates and her opinions.

"I accept your offer, Shuu, and my name is Opheila.
Please come to me tomorrow and we can talk more about your duties."

He smiled at her, showing his teeth at how big it was. He then bowed his head in respect to Winston and Axel before leaving to resume his duties as guard.
Opheila looked at her mates with some concern as they had not said anything, but they saw and smiled at her.

"He is young but strong. The pup is almost at his Tri mark, which is impressive."

Axel said very casually, and Winston was nodding in agreement as at the age of twenty-two, that was very impressive.

"I agree. He would be a good fit, and he is a prince like me, meaning more protection for you as well."

Opheila nodded with a smile before she noticed the kings making their way over to her. She put on her pureblood mask, which made them all wary.
Wilbert cleared his throat before he spoke to her.

"Welcome, female. i do not think I have ever seen a female like you in our city. What brings a mermaid to our city?"

Opheila giggled at being called a mermaid as in her world they were not enchanting creatures at all but she guessed it was different here,but her giggle seem to of made most of the beastmen melt at hearing it.

"My name is Opheila, i am not a mermaid, but I am flattered to be called such. I am visiting for only three months then we shall be carrying on with our travels."

Most seemed upset that she was not staying, Wilbert being one of them. But he just kept smiling, then she looked at them with a smile before pulling out a small bag.

"I have a gift for the king's for allowing us to stay in your wonderful city."

They seemed intrigued by what was in the strange animal skin she had when she asked hem to close their eyes and put out their hands which they did, once she had put the item in her hands they opened it and found an emerald in each hand and were shocked by such a gift.

"We can't accept this. it's too much."

Wilbert said reluctantly because he did need it for his Qin, but Opheila smiled at him, which caused his to stare.

"It is nothing much to us, I hope you all have a lovely evening."

They kings walk off in a daze, Wilbert forgetting he was going to offer to help her find mates but hid his emerald away before going to the other females.
Opheila smiled at her mates because they seemed relieved that the kings were gone, and for the rest of the night, they enjoyed themselves.

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