Chapter Twelve: Fourth & Fifth Mate (M)

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It has been a week since the drama at the market and the new suitor Crimson called every day dropping off fruits and other little things including a few emeralds for her, she had more then she could ever need in the way of emeralds but as she was told by Axel that they were very sought after and were considered a precious gift so she accepted but asked him to keep a hold of them for her which he reluctantly agreed too.
What suprised her was a single strip beastmen was also courting her, he was  very brave to not be scared off by her mates and asked her mates that thr next time he came to let her know so she could meet him which they agreed too.
She noticed they were all drawn to her more lately and knew her period was due any day now and cast several spells to try and reduce it but I could see them watching, they had been fucking her on most surfaces in the house but after the winter season she would give them a cub, she was brewing a potion to help give at least one cub to each like tow at a time so she would not be pregnant for years.

Today she would mate with Aron, she had grown to like him very much and Opheila wanted to have him as her mate, she made sure her mates were aware and agreed to guard outside, she dressed in her best nightdress thst was a dark blue with a slit up the leg, she rubbed her body in a lavender scent then went down stairs where the white fur rug was by the fire, she then sat on the large chair near before looking  at thr door opposite showing off her legs.
It was a few moments late that Aron and to her suprise Crimson came in, once the door was shocked they saw Opheila and stopped talking just taking her in with desire.
She could not help but feel her core heat up and her pussy became slick, their nostrils flared at the smell and slowly stalked forward to were she was sat.
She uncrossed her legs with a seductive smile at them both and decided she would mate with both of them tonight.
When her legs opened slightly Aron got in his knees and Crimson slowly Cressaged her body.
Aron brought his hands to her ankles then slowly to up her legs pulling her night dress up as well, then once he had her thighs he opened them he saw her gleaming pussy and dived in, thrusting his tongue into her.
Crimson leaned down and kissed Opheila to swallow her moans as Aron ate her out before working his way to her breasts slowly biting her nipples then sucking in them through her night dress then pulled back and yanked it down and sucked them again moaning at the nipple in his mouth.
Once Aron started sucking on her clit making her tremble grabbed into both their hair before she came with a low moan into Arons mouth, who lapped it up with vigor before pulling away.
They looked at each other and nodded before pulling her off the chair and ripping the night dress from her.
Crimson landed down with is large hard cock bobbing in the air thrn Aron slowly lowering Opheila down in his cock making her moan in delight, she started to move once he was fully seated inside in her.
She turned her head and took Aron in her mouth making in moan in suprise but refused to move from the pleasure.
She hollowed out her cheeks and took him to thr back of her throat which caused him to climax from how good it felt, he was still hard and pulled himself from her lips before climbing behind her and pushed her forward onto Crimson chest as he slowed his thrusts and slowly inserted his cock with Crimson.
It was so bery tight for both males but it felt so good to be inside her and the friction of each other.
Opheila had never felt so full but she loved it and when they started to move Opheila was a mess of sounds thst they were drawing from her, they started to build a rhythm which faltered ever now and then with another climax from her but after her sixth they both came inside her at the same time moaning her name with awe.
Aron saw his mark by her heart on her back which made him smile in delight and saw a phoenix on her neck, he was thankful he had such a wonderful female and swore to protect her fornthe rest of his days.
The rest of the night they both toom turns in pleasuring Opheila and feeding her emeralds to heal her but she never complained and took everything a smile on her face.

The next morning Opheila woke up sated and content, she was not going to mate with Crimson yet but she was glad thst she did, she looked around and saw she was in her own before summoning a mirror then looking  for her new marks, she saw a phoenix on her neck and thr hovered the mirror to look at her back when she could not see anything in her chest and saw near her heart on her back was a merman for Aron making Opheila smile.
Once she was washed and dressed she went down stairs with a smile in her face and saw her mates and someone she recognised from Camel Hump Village.


Harvey looked up and sucked in a breath, he was always captivated by her kind personality but he only got more intrigued as time went on and when he was dragged into a house that was bigger in the inside he knew thwt he made the right decision following her and not Qingqing.


He stood up with a smile but stood in place as not to piss off her very powerful males, he knew he might not ever have a chance with her but there was no harm in trying.
They do not seem aggressive to him thry just seem amused but Harvey thought they would be he was the weakest in the group.

"It is lovely to see you Harvey but why....."

"He is the one leaving you courting gifts."

Winston said to Opheila to make sure she knew why they had him and to show they were not bullying him.
Opheila was suprised then looked at Harvey then saw his face and knew he was waiting for the rejection but there was something about Harvey that drew her in, he was softer then her other mates and he was more in tune with a females needs then he rest of her mates, he might be what thry need to balance things out.

"You may court me Harvey."

"But he is not very strong?"

Shuu said in genuine confusion, Opheila would of yelled but she saw the confusion on most of their faces and she knew she had to explain some things.

"Look, I love you all but you are all still learning about me and what my needs are but also what to do and not do.
There is also the emotional factor, you guys are all kill anything thst bothers me and that is fine but sometimes I need more in the emotional department and Harvey can give me that.
It helps that he is a healer and I can help him be even better with his healing."

They all nodded at that because it was true and Harvey looked at Opheila with a watery smile before stepping forward then taking her hands in his, earning a growl from her mates.

"Thank you Opheila, you will not regret it."

After Harvey left, Opheila consulted her mates on Harvey and hey all liked him in one way or another but I could tell that Winston and Axel seemed thankful he was quiet unlike Shuu and Aron who were the pranksters of the family.

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