Chapter Fourteen: Cubs and Planning

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It has been about a month and half since Opheila found out she was pregnant and she grew very quickly as she was due any day now, Axel would take the port key to the island, he would fly but we agreed for the eggs safety it would best to get there quicker.
Winston and Shuu were already excited and waiting with the supplies they needed for their cubs.
When Opheila asked what they would do if it was female but they insisted that only males would be short terms and females were born in 'human form' but Opheila felt different and prepared for all out comes.
Neil had been visiting regular and found himself even more in love with Opheila and seeing her pregnant did something to him and he knew he could not wait to have a cub with her.

Harvey agreed to wait till after the cubs were born to mate, he was welcomed into the home as he would become a mate soon, it was during a morning with him and Aron at home when Opheila water broke, she whimpered at the pain and was picked up by Aron then taken to her bedroom, she insisted they take her to the bath instead, they agreed then Aron ran her a luk warm bath while Harvey got her naked and helped her in.
She felt a little better, she took some pain relief potion and started her breathing exercises.
This went on for a few hours before she got the urge to push, Harvey checked her then got in the bath with her to help bring the cubs to the world.
Her mates all came into the room after that not wanting to miss anything, the offering support and comfort while she gave birth.
The first was a large egg with pattern that decorated Axel skin, it was a green, blue with silver, everyone was enchanted by the large egg.
Axel smiled at Opheila then kissed her, she kissed him and the egg before he held on to the large egg and left with a pop.
The next two were moving lots but Winston and Shuu growled slightly making the cubs stop moving, it was a little easier then for Opheila before she yelled again and a little white tiger was born but what shocked everyone was that the girl was female.
Winston looked at his daughter with awe and love, his female gave him the greatest gift, she looked like him but her eyes were closed as they would not open for a few weeks yet but he wrapped her up and held her close and to the mother so she could see her, Opheila smiled with a 'i told you so' look which made her mates smile at her before she whimpered at another and a little wolf cry came out with a little male wolf cub, Shuu was thrilled to have a cub of his own, he looked at his male cub, his son with joy.
He could see his son took after him mostly in colouring but his was almost black like his mothers hair.

Opheila landed back in the bath with a relieved sigh, she saw a daughter and a son, she would not know the other for another three months but they would be safe with their father Axel.
She was given an emerald by Harvey before she gave the after birth then taken to her bed and fell asleep, she only woke up to feed her babies before going to sleep, her males and house elfs took care of everything else which she was relieved about.
This route went on for a month but it was finally time for her cubs to open their eyes, they agreed after much debate to allow Opheila to name her childern.
She stated it was tradition and would not give it up, they were welcome to change it as they got older but for now she would name them which they agreed to.
He daughter she named Euphemia after her grandmother and her son she would name Polaris.
When she explained that they were special to her, her mates softened and found it endearing wanting to remember the people you love by offering the next generation their names.
She had a few names for her cub with Axel but would wait, when they saw Mia and Pols eyes the males were thrilled that they had their mother's eyes but with hints of blue and grey in them.

Now the cubs could see, they decided it was time to go get back to planning for their trip to leave, they included Neil into this and made him aware that they would be leaving soon which he was happy with.
Opheila decided she wanted to go out for a walk and wanted to take Mia and Pol as well, Shuu, Winston and Crimson decided to go with her when they heard the roar and Winston informed her that the Ape King was inviting people to the Ape Castle to warm themselves with the special drink he had made.
They decided to go, it was still very cold but with the warming charms none of them felt it, when they arrived the Ape guards and wolf guard were looking at Opheila with shock and awe, she gave them a nod before walking in with her cubs that were in a basket she was holding.
None of her males could come in but they waiting with the other males.
Opheila walked in and was impressed by the ingenuity of the Ape king in the castle, she saw females going near cups  she walked towards it then picked one up, she noticed they had some nasty kind of virus in them and sent out of magic to purify them all and the ones in the room before drinking her cup then putting it back, it was bitter and she realised it was a crude wine making her smile before hearing someone clear their throat.
She held the basket tighter before looking and seeing Qingqing standing there with basket of her own and five little snake heads appearing while Mia and Pol head appeared looked at them, Pol didn't care and went back to sleep but Mia was staring at the male snakes with shyness and they seemed to be as fascinated by her as well before she went back down, her bashful daughter.



She said Opheila name with nervousness but seemed awkward.

"You had little snakes?"

"Yes, Curtis came back not long ago."

"Thats nice, did you name them?"

Opheila asked but Qingqing was telling her that she was told not to but Opheila told her she did not care as they are her cubs and she names hers with the courage Opheila gave her then they both heard the brastish Rosa, Opheila rolled her eyes and moved away to a nice corner she could sit down with her cubs when Rosa marched over to Qingqing, she started yelling at her and when she threw her drink a wolf dashed in front of Qingqing and had it splash him.
She could not hear what was being said but it seem to make Rosa go red when the Ape king came in shutting her up, he announced about everyone getting grain but Opheila did not need it, she was suprised by the Wilberts new appreance though, she found him eye catching, so she picked her basket up leaving the room, she sent a need to her mates who met her outside the room and they left the Palace.

It was a few days later, Opheila wanted to go out one more time in the city, this time it was just Opheila, Aron, Crimson and Neil.
She wanted to get to know more of Neil, he seemed funny, like dark sense of humour funny but he was full of mischief which Opheila enjoyed.
They were walking when they saw a fight between Qingqing, Parker, Rosa and her mates, it also seemed to be cubs messing around.
Opheila groaned in annoyance as she seemed to have no luck with these two girls and just when she was about to turn around she saw Qingqing large red snake male come crashing in killing two of Rosa mates and about to eat the cubs when Opheila freezez him on the spot, her mates go running and pick up the cubs before dashing back to Opheila and she unfreeze him.
They all stop and look at Opheila in shock.

"What is wrong with all of you? These are cubs, you almost allowed them to die. For what? Jealous? An inability to control your mates? Its pathetic. I will be dropping these cubs off with the wolf king."

Opheila said with distaste as she looked at both the females and walked off with her mates following her before going to the wolf castle, she seeing the wolf king and informs him about what happened and what could of gone wrong.
She left the cubs with their grandfather before going back to her temporary home with her mates and Aron explained what happened, they decided to leave the next morning to avoid any more issues.

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