Chapter Nine: Third Mate (M)

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Opheila had been in the beast city for a month and two things happened while she was here, she was being stalked by the little asian girl, the girls red snake mate was joining her and looked curious about them as well, the leopard that was with them was not very subtle and just asked brashly who they were, you could see the mortification on her face when she noticed what Parker was doing.
Opheila just ignored them and Axel made sure to remove Parker quickly, he still struggled to learn his lesson, Opheila was seriously debating if she should go to the leopard castle and talk to his parents and the other even was Rosa, the niece of Winston, she was arrogant and spoiled to the point thst she was suprised Rosa's father was not embarrassed by her behaviour.
She started demanding things of her mate and threatening her, Opheila very quickly put Rosa in her place and very nicely (evily) that if she did not stop she would slaughter her mates and sell Rosa as a breeder.
She wouldn't, but it was a good threat to have. The girls head male Bart, managed to get her away from Opheila because she could sense he knew the danger all of them possessed.

Shuu came by every day dropping off different fruits and talking to Opheila, or he would go on walks with her.
Opheila couldn't help but think of him like a puppy with his tail constantly wagging.

This morning was one of the few that was warm before the cold season set in, Opheila and Shuu walked together talking about random things with Axel walking near them when they approached the water then sat down and started to dip their feet in the water.

"How do you feel about travelling, Shuu?"

"I have never left Beast City apart from Salt Caravan once."

"Would you like to join us when we leave after the cold season?"

Shuu looked at Opheila in shock.

"A..are you a..accepting me as your m...mate?"


Shuu was sat there for a full minute process before yipping in delight for all to hear, Opheila could not help but smile and Axel just rolled his eyes at the pup but knew he would be a good addition to the family, he had already spoke to Shuu about keeping the families secrets from the kings and to be prepared as Opheila was very different from other females.

"I will leave with you when the cold season ends, my Opheila. Thank you for accepting me."

"You are a great male, and I am thankful that you chose me."

Shuu, in a moment of excitement, pulled Opheila to him and kissed her in the lips, Opheila put her arms around his neck, pulling him closer, making them both moan before they pulled apart
Opheila could see the look of lust coming from Shuu and she knew later she would be getting throughly fucked but to be honest she couldn't wait for it.

When Shuu left Opheila, he dashed back to his bachelor den, he was excited to be joining his mate at her home.
He ran to his room and started to gather the few things he wanted to take wih him before going to his father as his mother beast would not really care.
He walked in and saw his father talking with Bart but both stopped when they saw Shuu.
Hus brother Bart was tall, lean with almost silver hair, he was a Tri marked beastman and before Rosa they were very close but he did not want to mate Rosa, she was an unkind female but she was pretty.
He was glad he waited for his Opheila, she was perfect.

"Hello Father, Brother. I have come to inform you that my Opheila has accepted me and I will be moving in with her."

Shuu saw them look at him in shock because he knew they were suprised such a female was accepting him as her mates were very strong but his father was pulled from his shock first and pulled Shuu into a hug.

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