Chapter Six: Second Mate and Scorpion attack (M)

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They had been on the road for almost two weeks and Opheila felt soar from all the riding but it could be worse, charms worked wonders, Axel and Winston were so attentive to her needs that she felt like she could really get used to it.

She had never felt such care but made sure that she did not become complacent in this because she would not turn into a female who could not take care of herself.
They arrived near a set of caves, and each female was given one, Axel made sure she had everything she needed before he kissed her heatedly, then pulled away from Opheila.

"Tonight, mate with the White Tiger. Claim him."

"Thank you, my love."

Axel smiled at her with love before kissing her forehead and leaving the cave. A few moments later, Winston came in with a shy smile, and she waved him over to her.

"Come Winston, my dear."

He walked closer, and just as he was about to kneel in front of her, she smiled and pulled him to sit next to her.
Then, she brought her hand to his face and made him look at her.

"Be mine?"

She looked at him, and he seemed to go red but said.


Opheila hen leaned forward and started to kiss Winston, who he returned with vigor, Opheila then pulled away, confusing Winston before she stood up and let her dress fall to the floor.

Winston mind went blank when he stared at his mate. She was perfect and a gift from the beast god. He knew she wanted him. He could smell it and only hoped he could please her.

Opheila climbed on to Winston lap after removing his loin cloth to his very large member. He was as big as Axel but a little thicker.
Opheila swallowed a little because she wanted him but was preparing for his cock.
She then moved her hand to his cock and started to stroke it, she added pressure as she squeezed it which caused him to moan in delight, she kept doing this till he climaxed, she then removed her hand licked some of the cum from her hand causing his cock to come to life again before grabbing her, he then laid her on the furrs before delving his head between her thighs, Opheila started to moan loudly then rub her pussy into his face drawing a growl from him, he kept licking and sucking when she suddenly climaxed and he lapt it up like a kitten with milk.

Once her high started to come down, he climbed up her and sheathed himself inside of her and held place for a moment.
Both of them adjusting to thr new sensation.

"Winston.....please move."

Winston did as he was commanded and started to move, slowly at first but he started to pick up the pace.
He started hitting her cervix causing a pleasure/pain combo driving her to another orgasm pulling him along with her but he did not stop thrusting into her.
They did this all night and only went to sleep shortly before dawn.

Opheila woke up feeling delightful soar but happy,she noticed she was clean and was thankful for her mates cleaning her, she got up and used her to wand to clean her self more, along with the bowl of water left for her.
She got dressed the covered her head and face before leaving the cave and saw her mates standing in front a bird.......Eagle if she had to guess, giving a report to Winston with regards to ferals in the area.
Poor bird was scared shitless of Winston and Axel but held true, he saw Opheila and showed his curiosity before a strong aura was released and Made him run away, she smiled at them both as they turned to Opheila with a beaming smile at her.


They both replied together but looked at each other with respect and I could see a true bromance forming between them.
Just before Winston went to say anything he looked at my check in shock and she noticed that his mark was with Axels and had his head on another part of her heart.
Axel snapped him out of it by drawing me into a hug between the two of them which I enjoyed before we broke apart.

Once everything was ready, we departed again towards beast city, it was a week later we ran into some trouble, we were resting when a scream rang out in the woods, Winston changed in an instant  and roared when two others with duo marks followed him.
Opheila was concerned for his safety but could sense he was well for the most part, she suddenly felt a stabbing pain then felt the poison in Winston, she opened her bag then pulled out her bag of antidotes when a very large scorpion burst through the trees, he looked at us all but focused on Opheila for a moment before going for the poor female next to her but was unable to go very far as Axel was on him and dragged the scorpion back into the woods by its tail but she she could tell by the screechs that Axel was tearing it apart.
She had no intention on feeling guilty because it was prepared to kidnap a female and force itself onto her.
No matter how irrational these females were, no female or male deserves to be forced.
After another hour both her mates returned, clean with a red head female on the back of a wolf, she looked so frightened about what was happening but seemed happy to see other females.

Opheila went to her mates made them eat the antidote for poison and could see them both relax slightly, she knew they would hide it but she would always find out at some point.

"We are only a few days from Camel Hump Valley, we shall see the healer there for them to check checked by the healer."

Winston said for everyone to hear and the females seemed happy by that but everyone agreed and we restarted our journey but Opheila could not help but think that maybe her rotten luck might just be starting.

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