The Reality of War

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'It's an odd patrol path,' said Y/N, as he and Emmeline wound their way through the streets of London. 'We're just kind of circling one square.'

'Didn't Dumbledore tell you?' asked Emmeline. 'We're on guard for the muggle Prime Minister. Fudge and Rufus are visiting him as we speak.'

'Ah yes, Minister Scrimgeour,' said Y/N with a small shiver, 'I've had the pleasure already. Trying to get me to act like I care about the Ministry.'

'I'm surprised at that,' said Emmeline. 'He's only been in office for around 6 hours.'

'Did it before he even was in office. Came to see me yesterday right after Fudge stepped down. He doesn't seem bad, but I just can't abide by it after everything that happened.'

'I get that,' said Emmeline, 'I'd be much the same, but we've got to work with them somewhat now. They bring stability where it's sorely needed. If we lose the Ministry, people will start to panic.'

The two of them turned a corner and strolled slowly up one of the side streets.

Sure enough, as Y/N had already stated himself, he'd only returned from Hogwarts the week prior where he'd promptly been visited by Dumbledore and Rufus Scrimgeour, Fudge's replacement as Minister for Magic.

Fudge himself had been forced to step down following his handling of Voldemort's return and a number of incidents that had occurred since.

Scrimgeour had wanted Y/N to work with him and potentially show the Ministry favour.

'Just, if you could be seen speaking to some of our Aurors, or busying yourself around the Ministry from time to time, it could do wonders for our image,' he said in that hoarse worn voice. 'We'd be most appreciative.'

'And why's that? Because now everyone is looking to me, Harry, and Dumbledore because we told the truth where you lied through your teeth about it?' Y/N had retorted.

'Yes, well, this is a new Ministry, the one under my watch-'

'You'll forgive me if that's not reassuring until you prove what you can do, Minister,' said Y/N. 'I answer to Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix. If he tells me to work with you, I will. But if it's my decision, I refuse.'

Dumbledore had seemed quite appreciative of this, and both of them had been very amused watching Rufus stalk from the room in anger. But then Dumbledore had given Y/N his first assignment, he was to patrol the streets surrounding the Muggle Prime Ministers' office with Emmeline.

No one else was present to do it and as much as they may not wish to openly work with Scrimgeour, they did need him alive.

Back to the present and it was Emmeline's turn to speak.

'So, what's this I keep seeing about you and Potter then?' she asked, 'Rising Phoenix and The Chosen One?'

'They know Harry was in the Department of Mysteries looking for some form of prophecy about him and Voldemort,' said Y/N. 'The names picking up steam because everyone thinks the prophecy must declare that Harry is the one destined to kill Voldemort.'

'And you don't believe it?'

'I don't know what to believe, to be honest,' said Y/N. 'I just know that it said something about the two of them. I think Harry knows, but he's chosen not to say anything if he does. People are latching onto anything they can get.'

'And Rising Phoenix?'

'That stunt off the Astronomy Tower,' said Y/N. 'Eternus made a shape in the sky, just spread their wings with the ends alight. Apparently, it made an imprint of a Phoenix behind me. A bunch of first-years saw it and spread the word. When people associated that with me, the nickname sprang up among the students. One letter home to a parent and here we are.'

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