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Given the method he had used to fall asleep, it was no wonder that Y/N woke up with his mind on the tomb. Or more specifically, on who had been in the tomb.

Snow had proven to be such an enigma for so long that the way it had ended just felt so... simple. There had to be something else at that tomb. There had to be. Things were just tying themselves up too well, it couldn't be this easy.

And besides, he'd seen three different passageways behind Snow that led deeper into the tomb. Perhaps they would be nothing, but he couldn't believe that. He had to know.

Y/N was snapped out of his musings as the figure draped over him made a couple of gentle little murmuring noises and pulled herself in closer towards him. He wrapped an arm tightly around her and squeezed.

Y/N missed the light-hearted nature he'd been able to take a few years back. Poking fun at his friends and making them laugh as practically a full-time job. Ever since his appointment to the Order, it had felt a lot less relaxed. A lot more constant and tense. Especially with how Harry had been acting last year. Storming off at every turn or arguing with them over anything. Maybe this year could be different? He wouldn't be holding his breath, however.

Lying in bed wasn't good for his mentality. Giving Hermione one last squeeze and planting a gentle kiss on her forehead, he heaved himself out of bed and changed. He wrote a note in his journal, informing Hermione that he'd be down in the grounds and made his departure.

A soft frost had coated the grass and grounds as he trudged along them. A gentle crunch rang out with every footstep. The wind battered against him, but his robes and the leftover heat from the castle warded it off.

He made his way down to the edge of the Black Lake and stared out across it, waving his hand idly, causing the water and waves to move and reshape.

He stayed there for a long while, simply watching. Letting the sounds of life, quiet as they were, echo around him. At one point, he could have sworn he saw a loose tentacle float beneath the water, but the Giant Squid did not come to say hello. And the area remained quiet. That was, until.


Glancing over his shoulder, Y/N was met with the last person he'd expected to see.

Lavender Brown

'Morning Lavender,' he said as she wandered up next to him and joined him in staring out across the water. 'What brings you out here?'

'Just... thinking, I was hoping I'd get a chance to speak to one of you guys to be honest. It's about Ron before you say anything, I don't care about the Ministry. Well I do, but you know-'

'It's alright Lavender,' interrupted Y/N. 'Deep breath, what's up?'

Lavender did as he said, then asked quietly.

'Do you think he likes me?'

'Yes', said Y/N simply. 'Why, do you not?'

'Well... I don't know. He was hinting yesterday at us maybe going to Hogsmeade together as a date thing but then sort of backpedalled and said we could both bring someone and I just... I can't get a read on it.'

'That's because he's denser than a bag of bricks. Look, I've known him for years, and I know that he doesn't quite understand why you still talk to him, or why you ever did in the first place. But I also know that he likes it and doesn't want it to stop. If you want something to happen with him, you'll need to take initiative. You should know that from the Yule Ball.'

'That felt... different. I knew what he wanted to ask me there, he wasn't hiding it. But with this-'

'He's just hiding it better,' said Y/N. 'He cares, Lavender, believe me. Just take initiative, stop letting him back down or plan, otherwise he'll keep changing his mind. Tell him you're going on a date and that's it, get his stuff together. He won't say no.'

A Young Wizard's Journey - The Lost TombWhere stories live. Discover now