A Test of Power

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Robes on and pulled tight to stop them from flailing around him. Holster fastened and his wand tucked away. Pippa, ear clips and bracelet on. Eternus swaying gently on his shoulder. Y/N readied himself.

'You look like you're preparing an arsenal,' said Ron.

The quartet and Ginny were in an unused classroom. Y/N had told them his plan before scooping up what he'd need and taking it away so they could talk while he prepared.

'In a way, I am,' said Y/N. 'Need every tool in my kit to be sure I'm prepared for this.'

'Do you reckon you are?' asked Harry.

'Probably,' said Y/N. 'I mean, it's an old tomb, I have my sense. There's no Snow. What's the worst that could happen?'

'For the love of Merlin, do not say that,' said Ginny, 'because knowing you that could be anything.'

'Okay, fair point.'

'Just watch yourself, okay?' said Hermione. 'I know you can do it, but I still worry.'

'I'll be fine, love. I'll come back.'

'Well, best of luck,' said Harry. 'We'll wait up for you.'

'It's already late, you don't have to,' said Y/N. 'Tell you what, I'll send Eternus back if I won't be back within a reasonable time, just to send the message.'

They all nodded.

'Right, let's go then,' he said to the bird, which gave a cry in acknowledgement and took to the air.

Hermione sprung up and pulled him into a hug, clutching him tightly before kissing him.

'Come back to me.'


And with a clap, he was gone.

The wind and chill were even harsher than they had been the last time he was here. It was a stark contrast to the warm and comfortable castle. So much so that Y/N's eyes immediately began to water, even Eternus let out a small squeak of surprise as they swept down and landed on his shoulder.

Y/N scooped the bird up and tucked them away into his pocket before turning his attention to the cliff face behind him.

As blank and unassuming as ever, but Y/N knew better. He knew where the entrance was from last time. In fact, he could already feel the rock that would trigger the unlocking mechanism. Last time it had taken time, but this time, he'd practically been able to appear on top of it.

Keen to get out of this newly biting chill, he made his way forward and grabbed the piece of the cliff, pulling it downwards like a handle. There was a gentle click, the hum of magic taking life, and the wall next to him grew translucent, revealing the passageway.

He crossed the threshold and much as before, the wind and all sound for that matter, died, leaving only his steady breathing and the inquisitive chirp as Eternus' head poked out of his pocket.

'Give me some light, would you?'

Eternus obliged, clambering out of his pocket, and spreading their wings, the ends igniting, before soaring off down the narrow tunnel that had previously been lined with caterwauling charms.

One quick check to ensure they hadn't been replaced for some reason and Y/N rounded the corner, once more staring down that impossibly long corridor.

His idea from last time sprung back into mind, it couldn't hurt to try.

He held out his hand and willed fire to be there, focusing all of his efforts. And they bore fruit.

A small flickering orb of flame appeared, nestled in his palm. It let off a comfortable heat, not enough to harm him, but enough to purge the slight chill from him and allow him to see.

A Young Wizard's Journey - The Lost TombWhere stories live. Discover now