A Promise Kept

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The four of them had Herbology the following morning and spoke at length about Harry's lesson the night before, despite being told off by Professor Sprout part way through their hushed conversation.

Hermione in particular seemed fascinated by the idea of learning more about a young Tom Riddle. Ron was interested but couldn't really see the point. Y/N kept his mouth shut. He was to say nothing until Dumbledore told Harry directly what they'd be looking for.

Y/N and Hermione also told Harry about the Christmas party, and Y/N insisted that Harry attend this one.

'But he just wants to fawn over me as one of his precious trophies,' said Harry irritably.

'Yep, and that's exactly what he wants to do to us as well,' said Y/N, 'but it's connections Harry, something you'll need plenty of once we leave. Besides, we're allowed to bring guests. So get yourself a date, and Ron can be my +1 so he doesn't have to miss out.'

'But what about Hermione?' asked Ron incredulously.

'She's also a member of the Slug Club, Ron. The brain on you sometimes, honestly.'

'Same with if you want to invite someone, let me know,' Hermione added to Ron. 'I can invite them so that the two of you can go together.'

Ron went slightly pink, his eyes flicking over towards Lavender Brown.

'Excellent, I'll ask her later,' said Hermione simply.

'No, no, wait. She might not-.'

'Cool, hang on,' Y/N interjected.

Y/N unclipped his earmuffs and walked across the Greenhouse, waving to get Lavender's attention. She smiled at him as he approached and unhooked an ear.

'Hey Y/N! What's up?'

'Well, remember what you said to me after we got back?' asked Y/N, and she nodded. 'Slughorn's throwing a Christmas party. Me and Hermione are invited already as part of his little club thing, but we're allowed to bring one extra. If I bring Ron, and Hermione brings you, are you willing to go as his date?'

Lavender's face perked up and she cracked a wide smile.

'If he'd like that! I would love to!'

'He does, he just won't admit it,' said Y/N. 'I'll let him know. 8 o'clock, 20th of December at Slughorn's office.'

Lavender nodded excitedly and immediately turned back to Parvati, gabbling about what she was going to wear and how she was going to do her make-up. Parvati mouthed-

'Thank you'

-over her head.

Y/N made his way back over to his friends with a quick apology to Professor Sprout.

'She's happy to go as your date,' said Y/N, ignoring the death glare Ron was giving him, his ears as red as his hair. 'Make sure you look nice.'

There was silence, then...

'Thanks,' muttered Ron, and with the mildly annoyed tone in there or not, Y/N could hear the sincerity.

'Don't mess it up,' said Y/N.

However, Slughorn's party, and their planned dates for the event, were quickly pushed from their minds. The first Quidditch match of the season was fast approaching, and with Katie down and out, Demelza had been forced to step up.

Demelza was hardly a pushover, and for someone with little practice, she flew extremely well. However, she didn't have the same game sense, knowledge, and passion that Katie had brought. Meaning that most of the advanced Chaser manoeuvres were left to Y/N and Ginny, the two of whom hadn't quite gotten used to working together yet.

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