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'You again?' said the disapproving voice of the matron. 'You've barely been back for 24 hours.'

'Yep, me again,' said Y/N, heaving himself onto one of the hospital wing beds and gingerly releasing the grip he'd had on the front of his robes, revealing the cut along his chest. 'To be fair, it was on a mission for Dumbledore this time.'

Madam Pomfrey raised an eyebrow at Maria who grimaced.

'I don't make the rules Poppy, I'm just here to bring him to you. But yes, this is technically Dumbledore's doing.'

Madam Pomfrey sighed.

'I'd be concerned but I've already seen you back from worse. Just don't make a habit of it.'

'If it makes you feel any better, I did also tangle with a Troll tonight. I just came out of it better this time.'

'Excuse YOU?' said a voice from behind him.

Ginny, Harry, Hermione, and Ron had just come hurrying into the room.

'Nice to see you too Ginny, also you're a prick,' said Y/N, adding the final part towards Ron.

'What did I do?' he said indignantly.

'This,' said Y/N, gesturing at his chest. 'Well, not technically you, but I can only blame you so-'

'It will make more sense once he's stopped being an idiot and actually tells you what happened in the tomb,' said Maria.

'I never stop being an idiot,' said Y/N.

'Well, you'd better had,' snapped Madam Pomfrey, 'before you moving around like that makes me miss a spell.'

Y/N did as he was told, allowing Madam Pomfrey to steadily glance over each of his new injuries, muttering a mix of incantations and reprimands under her breath.

The other gathered people stayed silent. Hermione slipped onto the bed next to him and wrapped an arm around his waist, but did nothing to impede the matron, and after about fifteen minutes, she straightened up.

'Nothing permanent, your hair had no root damage done, and the wounds on your shoulder were already somewhat cauterised.' She passed a bottle to Hermione. 'Apply that to his chest wound first thing, the rest should look after themselves. I don't need to keep you in. Feel free to rest here for a while though. Maria can't exactly be seen by most of the student body. Even coming down here was risky.'

'I was hardly going to let him do it by himself. I'm not saying I don't trust him, but I don't trust him.' Said Hermione

'Rude,' said Y/N.

Madam Pomfrey moved off, and his gathered friends approached.

'So, mind telling me why I'm a prick?' asked Ron.

'It's funnier if I don't,' said Y/N.

'If you don't, I will,' said Maria.

'You're no fun' pouted Y/N, before recounting his trip to the tomb, Spectral Snow's appearance, the riddle, and his first trial.

'Can't believe I hit you,' said Ron once his story was over.

'It was impressive,' said Y/N, 'but you've always had that strategic edge. Should have known you'd suspect something. Well... the fake you? You know what I mean.'

'And how's Eternus?' asked Hermione.

'They're fine,' said Y/N, withdrawing the small phoenix from his pocket, it gave a small quiet cry in greeting. 'Will need to grow up again, but it is a phoenix after all, don't think there's any way to permanently get rid of them. And if there is, Harry's clone certainly wouldn't have known it.'

A Young Wizard's Journey - The Lost TombOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora