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Y/N awoke the next morning feeling a little bit more tired than usual, though it wasn't difficult to know why. The memories of last night came creeping back into his mind.

He rolled over and stared happily at his still-sleeping girlfriend. Her hair had settled back into its bushy nature now, and her chest rose and fell slowly, a happy look across her face as she lay there.

'I can feel you staring you know,' she said, a smirk curling up her face.

'Well excuse me for thinking you're beautiful.'

'I know you do, you told me several times last night,' she said, opening one eye and giggling at him.

'And unless I'm mistaken, you returned the sentiment just as often, if not more so, did you not?'

'Maybe, I dunno, it was all such a blur,' she giggled again and settled herself back into the bed. 'We aren't getting up yet though, too tired.' she stifled a yawn.

'Did I really tire you out that much?' asked Y/N.

'Oh, hush you, now are you going to cuddle me, or do I have to pout?'

'Yeah yeah, come here.'

Y/N scooped Hermione up, pulling her into his chest as she let out a contented sigh, letting her body sprawl out across his and humming softly.

'Jokes aside though, last night was nice... I'm glad we finally got to share... well... each other.'

'Me too love, it was nice being so close to you.'

The two of them fell into another contended silence, simply enjoying the morning glow together before finally, with a grumble from his girlfriend, Y/N detached himself and stood.

'Come on, we need to get ready.'

Hermione grumbled again.

'I will pull those covers off you.'

'You just want to see me naked again!'

'Well, that's a nice bonus.'

Hermione stuck her tongue out at him, lifting herself up to stretch but purposefully ensuring the bedding still covered all of her private areas, before looking over at him, glancing him up and down.

'Enjoying the show?' asked Y/N.

'Just getting a last look in.'

Before she heaved herself out of the bed.

The two of them dressed and began packing up the remainder of their belongings, still throwing the odd flirty quip back and forth. Once they were done, they took their trunks and heaved them down into the Common Room.

They were due to wait here until Minerva arrived.

And so the two waited, chatting happily about their plans for Christmas, and after around half an hour, the portrait hole swung open and Minerva made her way inside.

'Excellent! You're both awake. Miss Granger, you are to head down to my office, where you shall be sent via Floo Powder to the Burrow. I shall send your trunks along in advance.'

Hermione nodded as Minerva turned to Y/N.

'You are to head to Grimmauld Place to get your orders for over the holidays. People will be going in shifts to guard Azkaban, there will be a few days between each, but you will also be there for around four to six hours from what I know. Be ready, Y/N.'

'I'll see you soon,' said Y/N, leaning in to kiss Hermione, who nodded and moved past Minerva, out of the Common Room. The moment she'd left, Minerva turned to Y/N.

A Young Wizard's Journey - The Lost TombTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang