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Lavender had accepted Hermione's story quite quickly. She'd already heard some of the stories of the other girls giggling about trying to slip Harry something, and the idea that Ron was suddenly head over heels for another girl and prepared to proclaim his undying love despite having only met her twice seemed quite far-fetched.

Especially as it had taken him this long to even tell her that he liked her.

'Thanks Hermione. I appreciate you and Y/N looking out for him. And Harry, obviously.'

'Of course, Lav,' said Hermione, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. 'Y/N always does what he can for others. And I was hardly just going to leave you like that. He'll be back to normal shortly and will repeat my story, don't worry.'

Unfortunately, however, Ron didn't seem particularly keen to prove her story anytime soon. On and on the minutes stretched, with no word as to where he was. Or in fact, where any of them were.

Then, a feeling like ice, filled her stomach. A feeling so cold, so consuming that she placed a hand there instinctively, something was wrong. VERY wrong.

'Hermione? Are you okay?'

She heard Lavender's voice, but it was as though it was miles away.

But she couldn't shake this feeling, and at the centre of it all, she knew. It was him.

'Ginny!' she called over to the corner where she was sitting with Dean. 'Come on!'

Whether it was the look on her face or the tone in which she said it, Ginny did not question. She was on her feet at once, springing past Dean without even a goodbye and following Hermione out of the Common Room.

Lavender hurried after them.

'What's up?' asked Ginny, as the two drew alongside each other, hurrying down the staircase.

'I don't know, but something's wrong,' said Hermione. 'It's something with Y/N. It's just... I can feel it.'

'What the bloody hell has he gotten himself into this time?'

They descended into the Entrance Hall and were about to cross into the corridor to the dungeons, but just as they got there, Ron and Harry stepped out. Both were white as a sheet.

'Where's Y/N?' said Hermione at once.

Ron did not answer, stepping past her and pulling Lavender into a hug. Hermione could hear him muttering an apology to her, but she did not care. Her eyes locked onto Harry now instead.

'He... I... we saw Slughorn... and then he made the antidote for Ron. Ron got all upset and Slughorn said he needed a pick me-up. He opened an old bottle of mead, poured us all a glass. Y/N drank first... it was poisoned.'

Hermione's stomach dropped. She felt like she was going to be sick. She staggered backwards, hands leaping to her mouth.

'He's alive!' said Harry quickly. 'I gave him a Bezoar and he's alive, he's with Madam Pomfrey-'

He had barely finished this sentence before Hermione crossed the Entrance Hall, ripped open the door and sprinted up the corridor towards the Hospital Wing. She crashed through the door without even knocking and hurried over to where Madam Pomfrey stood next to a bedside.

'I'm surprised it took you this long,' said the Matron. 'Just you though, the others shall have to wait.'

Hermione nodded and slipped into the chair alongside the bed, staring up at his face.

Y/N always looked so peaceful when he lay here, but every time there was always that twinge to it. He'd ended up in here at least once a year so far for one injury or another. When would it stop?

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