Elves on Patrol

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Y/N didn't make any more late-night escapes from the Hospital Wing. Or anymore escapes in general.

Minerva came to visit him the next day, making sure he was okay and also dropping in that Tonks had mentioned something about Madam Rosmerta. But Y/N acted politely incredulous at this and Minerva was forced to leave it be. Apparently, Tonks hadn't actually given Y/N's name, simply stating that she wasn't the one to discover the Imperius curse.

Tonks' letter also lay under his pillow. Not that it carried much information.


I wish I could write to you with better information but I'm afraid that person we saw running off wiped Madam Rosmerta's memory. She doesn't remember anything from the last 12 months, not even whether she was the one giving out those items.

For what it's worth, you scared off whoever that was in the pub and I'm fairly sure that counts for something. It was a good find, but we were too late to reverse the effects of the charm. I hate to say it but there's not much more we can do.

Rosmerta will be taking a week or two off and then wants to go back to normal, we'll be keeping someone stationed there now. Won't let this happen again. We'll also be checking over the other shopkeepers.

In case no one has said it to you yet. Good work. Glad to see even poison doesn't stop you from saving the day.


To be honest, the frustration Y/N felt at the figure getting away was masked slightly from how warm Tonks' letter had made him. He didn't feel like he'd done much to deserve the praise, but getting it was nice either way.

Especially with how Tonks was at the moment thanks to Remus still trying to avoid her.

Y/N didn't understand why. They'd had the talk earlier that year, and he'd seemed prepared to try. Maybe he'd simply said that to get Y/N to back down. He'd have to pester him about it the next time he saw him.

He had several more visits from his friends, and as per usual his girlfriend barely left his bedside. But even the other's visits were infrequent.

The match against Hufflepuff was right around the corner and from what Ginny and Ron were telling him, their chances were slipping because Harry seemed distracted.

Whilst he wouldn't mention whatever was on his mind when with Y/N, he knew what it was, and why Harry wouldn't tell him.

It was hard not to know when his nose never left the Marauder's Map.

Harry was undoubtedly still mad at Y/N for throwing off his accusations, but quite frankly Y/N could deal with that. He had been right, Rosmerta had been the problem. And whilst Malfoy was evidently plotting something, it was hardly to the same degree as what had been planned with Rosmerta.

On the morning of the match, Hermione and Ginny stopped in to see him. Ginny looking extremely nervous. Hermione, slightly bored.

'It'll be weird going and not seeing you up there,' said Hermione. 'You're normally either with me or playing.'

'Yeah well, if I could I would,' said Y/N, 'but Madam Pomfrey would have my head on a skewer. And quite frankly she's one of the only people at this school who legitimately terrifies me. How are you doing Gin?' he added to the redhead.

'Okay... I think. Just pre-match jitters. I really want to beat Zacharias.'

'Oh hey, I was like that last year,' smirked Y/N. 'Go out there and kick his ass, show him what it really means to be a chaser.'

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