Navigating the tangled threads

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Emma stared at the helicopter as it landed on the roof of the hospital blowing her hair everywhere. The paramedics ran over, putting the patient onto the stretcher. 

"What do we have,?" Bailey inquired

Meredith looked up, her eyes reflecting a blend of determination and concern. "Katie Bryce, a fifteen-year-old girl with new-onset seizures, intermittent for the past week, ID lost en route, started grand mal seizing as we descended," the paramedic said. They wheeled her inside and got to a room quickly. 

"All right, get her on her side, Izzie, ten milligrams Diazepam, no, no, the white lead is on the right, righty whitey, smoke over a fire, a large bore I.V. don't let the blood haemolyse, let's go!" Bailey shouted. Izzie then injected her correctly and she finally stopped seizing. A tall man walked into the room with a grin. 

"So I heard we got a wet fish on dry land?" he said. 

"Absolutely Dr. Burke," Bailey said.

"Dr. Bailey, I'm gonna shotgun her," Dr. Burke said. 

"That means every test in the book, CT, CBC, chem, tux screen, Cristina, you're on labs, George, patient workups, Meredith, get Katie for a CT, she's your responsibility now," Bailey listed off.

"Wait, what about me?" Izzie said. 

"Oh honey, you're on rectal exams," Bailey said

"What about me? is there anything I can do?" Emma asked. Bailey looked at her then Meredith and shook her head. 

"Argh right there's two of you. Sorry. This is going to be confusing. Uhh, you stay with your sister and Katie," she said while rubbing at her forehead. 

"Okay," Emma said. Everyone else then left and Meredith grabbed Katie's bed. Emma sighed and then followed her out of the room. 

"What's wrong with you?" Meredith asked while rolling her eyes. 

"Huh.. nothing's wrong with me," Emma said shaking her head

"No, you're in a mood you only sigh when something is wrong with you. So, what's wrong with you?"

"I sometimes hate how well you know me. But It's always you, you're the favourite Grey, you're more prettier, you're older and I am sure that mum likes you a tiny bit more than she likes me. Everyone just forgets about me I'm like a shadow," Emma said her shoes suddenly becoming super interesting.

"It's always me? Is this because Bailey didn't give you an assignment?" Meredith asked. 

"Argh right there's two of you. Sorry. This is going to be confusing. Yes, it's because Bailey didn't give me an assignment," Emma muttered slightly mimicking Bailey. 

"Emma... You know you're way better at me at most of the things we do. We just need to find a balance and people will know who we are over time. And I'm sure it's not going to take long considering our last name." Meredith said giving Emma a knowing look. "And, look besides you're way smarter than me. For god sake, you're 2 years younger than me. You're an intern who had to skip 2 years of school because she found it "too easy," I'm sure that is a lot more interesting than an ordinary intern who just did it normally," she said, rolling her eyes at the too easy part.

"Yeah, I guess... you always know how to do a good pep talk," Emma said sighing as she rubbed her face. "I'm just tired, sorry," she said 

"Did someone keep you up last night?" Meredith said. 

"Just a bit," Emma said 

"It's about time you had some fun," Meredith said and Emma rolled her eyes. 

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