Confessions and consequences

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Arizona POV:

My heart pounded a frantic rhythm against my ribs as Emma walked away, muffling the cheerful echo of Aaliyah's voice. Emma's hesitant goodbye echoed in the silence, leaving a void that felt strangely hollow. The sunflowers, once vibrant symbols of Aaliyah's sunny disposition, now seemed to mock me with their cheerfulness, a stark contrast to the storm brewing within.

"Arizona?" Aaliyah's voice cut through the fog clouding my mind. Her gaze, usually brimming with warmth, held a hint of concern. "What's wrong?"

I forced a smile, the gesture feeling brittle and unconvincing even to myself. "Nothing, just a long day," I muttered, tracing the delicate petals of a sunflower with my fingertips.

Aaliyah wasn't convinced. "It's more than that," she asserted, her voice gentle but firm. "You can talk to me, you know."

Part of me yearned to confide in her, to unload the tangled mess of emotions churning inside me. To confess my growing feelings for Emma, the guilt that gnawed at me like a persistent rat, and the uncertainty that threatened to consume me whole. But the words wouldn't come. The fear of hurting Aaliyah, of shattering the life we'd meticulously built together, held my tongue hostage.

"It's... work-related," I finally managed, the lie tasting bitter on my tongue. "I'll be fine."

Aaliyah's gaze remained unwavering, searching for any telltale sign of deception. Finally, with a sigh, she conceded. "Alright, if you say so. But remember Arizona," she paused, her voice laced with concern, "secrets have a way of unravelling, no matter how tightly we try to hold them in."

Her words resonated within me, a stark reminder of the ticking time bomb strapped to my chest. How much longer could I keep this charade going? How long before the truth, explosive and devastating, tore apart the delicate tapestry of my life?

Later that evening, as I lay curled up on the couch, Aaliyah fast asleep beside me, the weight of my predicament pressed down on me like a physical burden. My mind replayed the events of the day, each detail etched into my memory with agonizing clarity. Emma's hesitant smile, her nervous laughter, and the way her gaze lingered on me a fraction of a second too long – all fueled the inferno burning within me.

I closed my eyes, tears stinging behind my lids. Lily's words echoed in the silence, a painful reminder of the promise I'd made. But how could I even think about pursuing a relationship with Emma when my heart was already tethered to Aaliyah, a woman who loved me, and who deserved honesty and loyalty?

The guilt gnawed at me relentlessly, offering no solace, no answer. As the night deepened, I knew dawn wouldn't bring any easy solutions. The only choice I had was to face the truth, confront my feelings, and make a decision, no matter how painful it might be. The weight of this realization settled upon me, a heavy burden I alone had to bear.


The clink of silverware against a plate served as the morning alarm, drawing Arizona from her restless sleep. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, a familiar comfort that usually soothed her anxieties. But today, the scent only served as a reminder of the conversation she needed to have, a conversation that threatened to shatter the delicate peace of their home.

Aaliyah emerged from the kitchen, a warm smile on her face that faltered slightly when she saw Arizona's weary expression. "Morning, love," she greeted softly, setting a plate piled high with pancakes and fruit down in front of her. "Sleep well?"

Arizona forced a smile, the gesture strained. "Yes, thanks," she mumbled, pulling out a chair and slumping into it. The pancakes, usually a welcome sight, seemed to hold little appeal.

Aaliyah sat down across from her, her eyes filled with concern. "You barely touched your food yesterday, and you haven't slept well these past few nights. Something's bothering you, Arizona. Remember what I said?"?" she asked gently, her voice laced with a seriousness that demanded attention. "Secrets have a way of unravelling. Maybe it's time you let me in, let's talk about what's really bothering you." 

Arizona met Aaliyah's gaze, the blue eyes reflecting a mix of apprehension and longing. "I know you want to talk," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I just..."

Arizona hesitated, the weight of her secret heavy on her tongue. The truth threatened to spill out, a torrent of emotions and confessions that could irrevocably change the course of their lives. But fear kept her lips sealed, the potential for heartbreak looming large.

Aaliyah reached across the table, her touch gentle as she took Arizona's hand. "Whatever it is, Arizona," she said, her voice soft yet firm, "we can face it together. Remember, I'm not just your fiancée, I'm your friend. And friends talk to each other, even about the difficult things."

The sincerity in Aaliyah's voice chipped away at the wall Arizona had built around her heart. The guilt gnawed at her, amplifying the need to be honest. Yet, the fear of hurting Aaliyah held her back, a vice tightening around her throat.

Taking a deep breath, Arizona finally spoke, her voice trembling slightly. "It's... complicated," she admitted, her gaze falling to the plate before her. "It's about... my feelings."

Aaliyah waited patiently, her eyes filled with a mixture of understanding and apprehension. "Tell me," she urged gently, her touch tightening on Arizona's hand.

Arizona hesitated, her fingers nervously twirling a stray strand of hair. "It's complicated," she finally admitted, her voice thick with emotion. "I think I'm in love with Emma,"

The words hung heavy in the air, shattering the fragile normalcy of their morning routine. Aaliyah recoiled slightly, a flicker of pain crossing her features.

"You're in love with someone else?" she repeated her voice barely a whisper.

Arizona nodded, tears welling up in her eyes. "It started... unexpectedly. We connected, and..." she trailed off, unable to finish the sentence.

Aaliyah remained silent, her gaze fixed on the table. The clinking of her coffee cup hitting the saucer seemed to echo the shattered pieces of their trust.

Taking a deep breath, Arizona continued, "I care about you, Aaliyah. Deeply. You're my best friend, my confidante, and the woman I planned to spend my life with. But these feelings... they just... they snuck up on me, and I don't know how to handle it."

Aaliyah listened intently, her face betraying a myriad of emotions – hurt, confusion, and a flicker of understanding. Tears streamed down Arizona's face, her voice cracking with guilt. "I'm so sorry, Aaliyah. I never meant to hurt you."

Aaliyah wiped a stray tear from her cheek, her voice surprisingly calm. "It's okay, Arizona. You can't control who you fall for. It just... hurts to know it wasn't me."

The raw honesty in Aaliyah's voice tore at Arizona's heart. "I know, and I hate that I caused you this pain. But I can't deny these feelings for this other person anymore. It wouldn't be fair to either of us."

Silence descended upon them once again, thicker and heavier than before. The shared breakfast remained untouched, a silent testament to the shattered dreams and uncertain future that lay before them.

Aaliyah finally rose, her voice resolute despite the tremor in it. "I need some time, Arizona. To process everything. But know this," she said, her gaze holding Arizona's, "my love for you, it doesn't disappear overnight. It just... needs to transform."

The kitchen, once filled with the warmth of Aaliyah's humming and the cheerful sizzle of pancakes, now felt cold and sterile, mirroring the emptiness that had begun to bloom within Arizona. The weight of her secret was finally lifted, replaced by a new burden – the burden of navigating the wreckage of their relationship and facing the unknown path ahead.


Sorry I know I said I would update again the other day but I got super busy and remembered I had a test, here's another one for you and I'll definitely have another one coming out shortly following the storyline of Grey's again, now should I speed things up a bit, like skip some episodes or just carry on how I'm going? 

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