In Sickness and Stubbornness

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"You two really should get up, it's like 5 am," Emma laughed entering Meredith's room and flopping down onto the bed face first next to her sister. 

"Good morning Emma," Derek smiled. 

"Dude, pls don't do the 'good morning' thing while you're shirtless and whatever in bed with my sister," she mumbled into the blanket causing Derek and Meredith to laugh. 

"You should go before they see you Derek, and I have pre-rounds," Meredith said. 

"Oh, come on, why don't you just let them see?" He rolled on top of Meredith, kissing her. 

"Well, I'm all for embracing new experiences, but threesomes with my sister? That's a hard pass for me," Emma groaned, getting up and leaving the room and going downstairs.

As she reached the last step of the stairs, George's shout reached Emma's ears, "I'm not jealous!"

"What are you jealous of?" she asked, entering the kitchen.

"Nothing," he sighed.

"Oh well, I am. But at least I know she'll be having a long day at work," Izzie remarked.

"Oh..." Emma realized. "I need coffee," she groaned as she walked towards the coffee machine, ficking it on.

"Do you know who it was?" Izzie asked, George and Izzie both stared at her, waiting for an answer, as she grabbed a mug.

"Obviously, she's my sister," Emma said, rolling her eyes.

"Oooh, who is it?" Izzie inquired.

"Sister code," Emma replied, pouring coffee into her mug.

They all turned around when they heard the front door open. Emma facepalmed at Derek's lack of discretion. It was clear now that Derek Shepherd had spent the night at their house, and everyone was aware.

"Well, at least we know brain surgery's not his only skill," Izzie huffed.

"No, Meredith wouldn't sleep with him," George said, trying to convince himself.

"Morning," Meredith greeted as she entered the kitchen, walking over to Emma and pouring coffee into her own mug.

"Morning. Hey, so it sounded like you were having some pretty radical sex last night, all night long. Who was the guy?" Izzie questioned.

"Nobody you will know," Meredith smiled.

"We're late, let's go," Izzie scoffed, rolling her eyes and dragging George along with her. Emma sipped from her mug, making eyes at her sister.

"What, Emma!" Meredith huffed.

"They know," Maddie said to her sister, and Meredith's eyes widened before she sighed, hanging her head down.

"You look like crap, Emma. You feeling okay?" Meredith said, changing the subject and looking at Emma's face, noticing its paleness.

"Gee thanks, appreciate it. Yeah, I'm fine, just didn't sleep well," Emma complained. "We have to go."


"Yikes, wouldn't want to meet you in a dark alley," Meredith said, stepping out of the car, with Emma following suit.

"Right back at ya," Cristina replied, dismounting her bike and hanging her helmet, revealing a sickly expression similar to Emma's.

"Yikes, you look horrible, Little Grey," Cristina remarked, observing Emma standing next to her sister.

"Have you looked at yourself in the mirror this morning, sunshine?" Emma retorted, smirking.

"Sunshine?" Meredith tilted her head.

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