Echoes of Unspoken Moments

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"What's going on?!" Emma said bursting into Katie's room, taking a look around and seeing Meredith standing with defibrillators over Katie's chest. "Oh, shit! okay," she mumbled to herself. She moved through the crowd of people to check Katie's wires. 

"Charge again!" Meredith shouted. The nurse charged again and Meredith pushed the defibrillators onto Katie's chest. Her monitor began beeping again.

"Blood pressure is picking up, the pulse is coming back, she's good," Emma said breathing a sigh of relief. Meredith handed the defibrillators back to the nurse as they continued to check over Katie reading her vitals. 

"What the hell happened?" Derek said running in and Arizona was not that far behind. Emma stared at the situation with her eyes wide open. 

"She had a seizure, and-" Meredith started still slightly out of breath. 

"A seizure?" Derek repeated. He rushed to Katie's side and began checking her vitals. 

"Her heart stopped," Meredith finished. 

"You were supposed to be monitoring her," Derek snapped at Meredith and Emma. 

"I was with Emma at the time putting stitches in her head" Arizona said looking at Derek. 

"I checked on her and she-" Meredith started again. 

"I got it. Just...Just go," Derek snarled. Meredith turned away and Emma put both of her hands up as if surrendering and backing up while side-eyeing Arizona who slightly smiled at Emma. 

"Come on let's go," Emma said grabbing Meredith's arm and pulling her out of the room. They walked down the hallway, Bailey running up towards Katie's room. 

"You get a 911, you me immediately, not in the five minutes it takes you to get to the emergency, immediately, you are on my team and if somebody dies it's my ass, you hear me, Grey's, Oi" Bailey shouted as they both passed her.

"Meredith? Emma?" Cristina left her conversation and followed them both out of the hospital and into the rain. Emma let go of Meredith and stood beside Cristina. Meredith continued speed walking towards the grass and kneeled over using a hand on a tree to support her as she vomited. Emma grimaced putting a hand over her mouth

Meredith straightened up, turned around and walked back over to them. 

"If you tell anyone, ever..." Meredith left the threat open walking back into the hospital with Emma not that far behind turning around to face Cristina shrugging her shoulder and running back after her sister.


Seattle Grace's labyrinth of hallways echoed with the cadence of footsteps as Emma Grey, clad in her crisp white coat, navigated the bustling corridors.

As Emma rounded a corner, she spotted Arizona Robbins engrossed in a patient's chart. There was a shared glance, a silent acknowledgement of the unspoken connection between them. The supply closet and treatment room encounter lingered in their minds, casting a subtle shadow over their interactions.

Arizona looked up, her eyes meeting Emma's, and a tacit understanding passed between them. Without uttering a word, they gravitated toward a quiet corner of the hospital, a place where the hum of activity softened to a gentle murmur.

Concerned, she asked, "How's your head? Did it hurt too much?"Emma, touching the bandage on her forehead, chuckled. "A little, but thanks to your expert stitching, I'm good as new. It's just a reminder of our eventful day in the treatment room, I suppose." They shared a knowing look, acknowledging the intimate moments that had unfolded and the decision to forge ahead as friends, leaving the uncharted territories of their connection yet to be

"Emma," Arizona began, her voice carrying a mix of sincerity and caution, "we need to talk about what happened."The weight of the unspoken hung in the air as Emma nodded, signalling her readiness to address the elephant in the room.

"I think we need to be careful, considering the nature of our positions in the hospital," Arizona continued. "I value my job, and I'm sure you do too."

Emma sighed, the reality of their circumstances settling over her. "I get it, Arizona. We're both here to build our careers. A romantic entanglement might complicate things."

Arizona nodded in agreement, her gaze holding a blend of regret and understanding. "Exactly. So, how about we keep things professional? Focus on our work and, you know, be friends?"

The suggestion lingered in the air, a delicate proposal that could either alleviate or exacerbate the tension. After a thoughtful pause, Emma offered a genuine smile. "Friends it is Arizona. We can navigate this together, right?"

Arizona's lips curved into a reassuring smile, and they sealed the unspoken agreement with a nod. The decision to be friends, though laced with a hint of reluctance, held the promise of stability amid the chaos of Seattle Grace.

Yet, beneath the camaraderie, the shadow of the supply closet and treatment room encounter persisted. The unspoken desires and the magnetic pull between them remained, simmering just below the surface. Seattle Grace, with its intricate tapestry of relationships, continued to be both a witness and a participant in the evolving story of Emma and Arizona.

As they lingered in the quiet corner, the conversation shifted to their roles in the hospital. Arizona, a seasoned attending in pediatric surgery, shared insights into the intricacies of her speciality, while Emma spoke about the challenges and triumphs of her intern year.

"Pediatrics is my world. There's something about helping kids that makes everything else fade away." Arizona said breaking the silence

 "I feel the same way about medicine. It's not just about healing bodies; it's about connecting with people, understanding their stories." Emma replied smiling

In a moment of openness, Arizona's eyes sparkled with anticipation. "I can't wait for you to be on my service," she admitted, a genuine smile playing on her lips. The prospect of working together seemed to excite her, adding a layer of shared professional experience to their evolving connection.

"I can just see it, you know? You being great with kids. They have this way of responding to certain people, and I think you have that magic touch."

Emma's response, though laced with a hint of surprise, held a reciprocal warmth. "I'm looking forward to it too, Arizona. It'll be a new chapter for both of us."

The conversation, now sprinkled with a shared sense of anticipation and the unique dynamics of pediatric surgery, continued to unfold in the quiet corners of Seattle Grace.

Just as they delved deeper into their discussion, a distant voice echoed through the corridors, paging Emma to a meeting. With a resigned smile, Emma excused herself, leaving Arizona to contemplate the complexities of their evolving connection.

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