The Turning Point

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"Emma, are you sure about this?" Arizona asked, her brows furrowed with concern. The two women sat in the hospital's cafeteria, a cup of coffee untouched between them.

Emma took a deep breath, her green eyes reflecting a determination that hadn't been there before. "I am," she said, her voice stronger than she felt. "I can't keep running from this, Arizona."

"But it's not just about facing your fear, Emma," Arizona reasoned. "You're talking about starting a research project about cystic fibrosis. That's a huge commitment."

Emma nodded, acknowledging Arizona's point. "I know it is. But, Arizona, I need to do this," she said, her voice filled with conviction. "I need to make something good out of the pain. If I can help others and prevent them from going through what Lily and I did... Well, then it'd all be worth it."

Arizona sighed, realizing that she couldn't dissuade Emma. "I just don't want you to overdo it, Emma. This... this is heavy stuff. I'm worried it might be too much."

"Your concern means a lot to me, Arizona," Emma admitted, reaching across the table to gently squeeze Arizona's hand. "But I promise, I won't do this alone. I'll get the help I need. I'll consult with the best in the field, work with a team..."

"And have you on my side?" Emma finished, looking hopefully at Arizona.

Arizona was silent for a moment, her blue eyes reflecting the sincerity in Emma's gaze. Finally, she squeezed Emma's hand back. "Always," she said, her voice choked with emotion.

Emma smiled, a weight lifting off her shoulders. She knew the journey wouldn't be easy, but with Arizona's support, she felt ready to face the challenge.

In the days that followed, Emma threw herself into the research project. She spent hours poring over medical journals, consulting with experts, and even reaching out to cystic fibrosis support groups. She was determined to make a difference, to turn her personal tragedy into a beacon of hope for others.

Throughout it all, Arizona was right there with her. They spent countless nights in the hospital's library, discussing ideas and theories, debating over research methods, and even having a few heated arguments. But no matter the disagreements, they always found their way back to each other, their shared passion for the project becoming a strong bond between them.

There were moments of doubt, moments when Emma felt overwhelmed by the enormity of the task. But each time, Arizona was there to offer a comforting word, a reassuring smile, a gentle touch. She was Emma's rock, a constant source of support and encouragement.

With each passing day, Emma felt herself growing stronger, more confident. She was no longer running from her past, but using it to fuel her future. She was transforming her pain into something meaningful, something that could bring about change.

Added to the mix was Dr. Addison Montgomery, a renowned neonatal surgeon. Recognising the importance of Emma's research project, Addison offered to lend her expertise.

"Dr. Robbins mentioned your project," Addison began, approaching Emma in the library one evening, "I think it's a fantastic initiative, and I would like to help, if you'll have me. I have two years experience on the genetic makeup of cystic fibrosis."

Emma looked up, surprise evident in her eyes. "Dr. Montgomery, that would be... That would be amazing," she stammered out, the prospect of having one of the best in the field on her team leaving her slightly overwhelmed.

And so, Addison joined their late-night library sessions, bringing with her a wealth of knowledge and an infectious enthusiasm. She and Emma quickly developed a rapport, their shared passion for medicine and their mutual respect for each other forming the basis of a fast friendship.

As they delved deeper into the research, Emma found herself opening up to Addison. Their conversations went beyond just the project, delving into personal experiences, shared interests, and even their fears.

"I was terrified when I first started this project," Emma confessed one evening, her gaze focused on the medical journal in front of her. "I was scared of what I would uncover, scared of confronting my past."

"I understand," Addison replied softly, her eyes reflecting empathy. "But you know, Emma, facing our fears, that's how we grow. And from what I've seen, you've grown a lot through this."

Their conversations often extended late into the night, the hospital library serving as their sanctuary. Amidst the medical journals and the quiet rustling of pages, a unique friendship blossomed between Emma and Addison. They became each other's sounding board, offering advice, lending a sympathetic ear, and providing comfort when needed.

This newfound friendship with Addison added another layer of strength to Emma's resolve. She was no longer just a doctor looking to make a difference; she was a woman healing from her past, supported by friends who cared for her.

And as they continued to work tirelessly on the project, Emma realized she was no longer defined by her past. She was more than her traumatic experiences, more than her fears. She was Emma, a strong, resilient woman, surrounded by friends, driven by her passion to make a difference, and standing tall despite the storms.

With Addison and Arizona by her side, she felt ready to face whatever came next.


I absolutely hate this chapter. Okay I was thinking of doing some time skips soon to get to the juicier stuff yk? Cause I feel I have dragged this story on for a while. Umm now I need your help? What episodes or story lines do you feel a useless that I can skip and what do I think I should include or even summarise over some time? And please let me know if I should carry on with this storyline about Emma wanting to cure cystic fibrosis or should I just delete it?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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