Echoes of laughter

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"Okay, interns' assignments. Yang, you are in the pit. O'Malley report to room E19. Stevens and Karev you're on discharge," Bailey assigned everyone as they walked out of the room following her orders as only Meredith and Emma were left. 

"You guys are popular," Bailey said, looking up at the Grey sisters. 

"Meaning?" Meredith asked. 

"There's been a special request, for you two," Bailey announced, leaving Meredith and Emma to exchange confused glances as they followed the resident dictator down the hallway. The sterile hospital air buzzed with the usual symphony of beeps, hurried footsteps, and hushed conversations.

Across the hallway, Addison Montgomery walked by, her perfectly coiffed red hair and navy scrubs. Derek Shepherd his perfectly coiffed hair catching the light as his ego inflated with each arrogant word he spoke followed behind her. Emma couldn't help but notice the way Addison's perfectly manicured hand brushed against Derek's arm, sending a pang of unwelcome jealousy through her.

"Special request?" Meredith echoed, the words tasting vaguely ominous on her tongue. "From who?"

Bailey paused, shooting Derek and Addison a pointed look that neither of them seemed to notice. "Dr. Shepherds," she finally revealed, her voice clipped.

"ahh yes, you secured the interns we requested," Addison smiled at them. "Meredith you are with me," 

"And you'll be with me Emma," Derek said smiling he turned, his blue eyes meeting Meredith's briefly with a flicker of what might have been an apology, but Emma wasn't convinced.

"Great," Emma muttered under her breath, her tone laced with sarcasm as she forced a tight smile. She couldn't hide the disdain in her eyes as she looked at Derek, his arrogant smirk only serving to fuel her annoyance. 

"Let's head down to Joe's case, then," he said, gesturing towards the elevators. "He could use all the help we can give him."

The elevator ascent was enveloped in frosty silence. Emma stood straight, arms crossed, refusing to make eye contact with Derek. Finally, he sighed, breaking the ice. "How's Meredith?" his voice held a hint of concern, quickly masked by a nonchalant air.

Emma whipped around, eyes blazing with controlled fury. "She's none of your concern, Shepherd. And unless it's strictly work-related, I have nothing to say to you."

"Right," Derek nods, "So what do you know about a standstill operation?"

"I've reviewed the basics," Emma answered, her voice tight, refusing to reveal any vulnerability.

"Alright. Hey Burke..." Derek starts but is interrupted by the doors opening revealing Burke. "Read up on it Emma and I'll meet you in Joe's room," he hands her the chart. 

"Dr Grey," Emma corrected coolly, her voice laced with defiance. Holding the chart like a shield as she marched past him. 


Joe lay on the hospital bed, apprehension etching lines on his face. The sterile white room buzzed with nervous energy, the rhythmic beeping of monitors the only constant against the hushed tones of the doctor

Derek leaned over the chart, his brow furrowed in concentration. "The location of the aneurysm is particularly challenging," he explained, his voice carrying the weight of the situation. "We'll need to perform a standstill operation."

Joe swallowed hard, his eyes flickering between Derek and Burke, who stood beside him, arms crossed. "What does that entail?" he asked, his voice barely a whisper.

Basically," Burke stepped in, his calm demeanour a stark contrast to Derek's intensity, "we'll cool your body temperature significantly to protect the aneurysm from damage. Simultaneously, we'll need to stop your heart."

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