Rest and Recovery

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"Yang and Grey, I get to scrub in on a hemispherectomy with Shepherd," George excitedly informed the girls.

"Get out! I would kill for that," Cristina replied, her eyes widening with both surprise and envy.

"We're going to cut out half a girl's brain, and it's going to work. It's outrageous. Also makes it hard to hate him," George explains, a mix of awe and frustration in his voice.

Emma's droopy eyes fixed on George as she rasped out her question, "Why do you hate him actually?" The weariness in her voice mirrored the fatigue evident on her sickly face. 

"Are you okay?" George asks, concern evident on his face.

"Yeah, I'm great," Emma informs him, plastering a fake smile on her face.

But George isn't easily convinced. He narrows his eyes, studying Emma for a moment before speaking again.

"You don't look great, and that fake smile isn't fooling anyone," he says, crossing his arms.

Emma sighs, realizing that George isn't buying her act. "Okay, maybe I'm not feeling my best. But I've got work to do, patients to attend to."

"Emma, if you're sick, you need to take care of yourself. You won't be much help to your patients if you end up collapsing from exhaustion," George advises genuine concern in his voice.

"I can handle it. I've worked through worse," Emma insists, her stubbornness shining through.

"Working through it doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. You're no good to anyone if you're not at your best," George argues.

"I'll be fine George I'm a big girl. I'll make this flu my bitch. Thank you for caring though but you should also talk to Cristina she's got the flu as well," Emma replied, her voice slightly muffled by a tissue as she wiped her nose.

"I'm fine please don't talk to me," Cristina replies

"Ugh you're both so stubborn," George said rolling his eyes. 

"So I've been told," Emma says before walking away.


"Do you really, seriously want to know why I'm leaving?! Seriously? How about when you started insisting that I quit my job, right when I started to make more money than you? That should have been the last straw. No, no. The last straw should have been when I found out that those mysterious phone calls that you've been getting that you kept denying were from other women were really coming from your mother. This isn't healthy," The girlfriend of the guy who swallowed the keys rants to him as he is getting the keys pulled from his throat by Izzie as Emma watches. 

"Just, hold still, please," Izzie tells the guy as he moves his head around to look at his girlfriend, ex-girlfriend? Emma didn't know. 

"Don't you dare try to patch this up!" The girlfriend yells.

"Could the both of you please stop?" Izzie tries but to no help. She then turns to Emma leaning against the wall, "Can you help?Please?"

Emma, observing the chaotic scene, raises an eyebrow and replies with a smirk, "Sure, because clearly, I'm the expert in relationship counselling. Move aside, Dr. Phil coming through."

"You don't love me, JP. You love to smother me, and if I could just get you to admit that, then I could leave you with an ounce of respect," Athena started ranting again.

"Athena, I let you stay in here to keep him calm. So, if you're just going to keep..." Izzie trailed off, trying to focus on her task.

"Check that. I can't respect a man desperate enough to swallow my exit strategy. That is my last straw!" Athena continued, her frustration evident in her words. 

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