Gay awakening

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The decision made, Arizona and Emma spent the morning wrapped in the comforting embrace of easy companionship. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air, filling Arizona's home with a sense of warmth and familiarity. They sat in the cosy living room, surrounded by the soft glow of morning light filtering through the curtains.

As they contemplated potential movie choices, Arizona couldn't help but notice the subtle changes in Emma's expressions. The furrowed brow that often accompanied the stress of the hospital seemed to loosen, replaced by a more relaxed demeanour. It was a side of Emma that rarely surfaced in the high-stakes environment of the hospital — a side that hinted at vulnerabilities and preferences beyond the realm of medicine.

After some deliberation, they settled on a selection of classic movies that promised a mix of nostalgia and entertainment. Gathering blankets and arranging themselves on the plush couch, they prepared for a well-deserved break from the demands of the hospital.

The first movie played, and the familiar opening credits create a sense of familiarity and ease. Arizona couldn't help but steal glances at Emma, observing the subtle changes in her expressions as they ventured through the film. It was a side of Emma that rarely surfaced in the high-stakes environment of the hospital — a side that hinted at vulnerabilities and preferences beyond the realm of medicine.

As the opening scenes of "How to Train Your Dragon" unfolded on the screen, Arizona couldn't help but notice a spark of recognition in Emma's eyes. A moment later, Emma's face lit up with genuine excitement.

"Oh my gosh, this is my favourite film!" Emma exclaimed, her eyes glued to the animated dragons and the unfolding adventure.

Arizona grinned mischievously at Emma's enthusiastic outburst. "Well, well, Dr. Grey. Who would've thought the tough, fearless surgeon has a soft spot for animated dragons and kid films?"

Emma playfully nudged Arizona's shoulder. "Hey, dragons are cool, okay?" Arizona just smiled at her, admiring her cuteness.

Throughout the movie, Arizona couldn't help but notice the genuine joy on Emma's face as she mutters some of the lines. 

"Oh my God, Astrid is so hot! Definitely my gay awakening," Emma declared with a laugh, her eyes fixed on the animated character.

Arizona seized the opportunity to tease Emma once again. "Guess you have a thing for blondes, hey?" she remarked, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

Emma's eyes widened as she realized the implication of Arizona's comment. "Wait, what? No, I mean, I don't—"

Arizona couldn't contain her laughter, enjoying Emma's momentary fluster. "Relax, Dr. Grey. I'm just messing with you," she reassured, a playful grin on her face.

Emma huffed, a mix of embarrassment and amusement evident on her features. "You're impossible," she teased back, giving Arizona a mock stern look.

"But umm, we probably should talk about that night," Emma began, her tone more serious. "Have you talked to your fiancée about it?"

Arizona's playful demeanour shifted as Emma brought up a more serious topic. The room became quiet for a moment, the animated movie playing in the background serving as a stark contrast to the weight of the conversation.

Arizona sighed, the playfulness replaced by a thoughtful expression. "No, not yet. It's complicated, you know? I've been meaning to, but finding the right time..." She trailed off, acknowledging the difficulty of broaching the subject with her fiancée.

Emma nodded understandingly, her gaze thoughtful. "I get it. These things are never easy."

Arizona sighed, the weight of the unspoken conversation settling in the air. "I know I need to talk to her. It's just a matter of finding the right words and the right time."

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