Fractured Breath

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"Doctor Grey is post-op day 3 from a tumour resection," George announced, his voice lacking confidence as his gaze flickered between Meredith and her mother. 

Ellis scoffed, throwing her hands up in the air."Wrong, wrong, wrong! He's got it all wrong. It's not asthma, it's GERD. He needs a Nissen fundoplication. And tell that..." she narrowed her eyes at Meredith, "child to get out of the room." 

"Mom!" Meredith exclaimed, her cheeks flushing with a mix of anger and embarrassment.

"She's a child and I won't have her on my team. At least your sister isn't here," Ellis sighed, her voice laced with disappointment.

Meredith rolled her eyes. 

Bailey, her brow furrowed, stepped forward. "We'll wait for you outside, Dr. Grey," she said in a firm but respectful tone.


"Oh crap! I'm so sorry I-" Emma exclaimed, her voice laced with panic as she collided with someone's chest. A pair of arms steading her before she could tumble to the floor. 

Arizona chuckled, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Emma, you really should watch where you're walking. This must be the third time you've walked right into me." 

Emma straightened, a blush creeping up her neck as she met Arizona's gaze. "Sorry ahaha,"she stammered, "I was just on my way to get some coffee for Bailey." 

Arizonas laughter was light and melodic, a sound that sent a pleasant shiver down Emma's spine."Well, in that case, let me help. Bailey likes her coffee strong, doesn't she?"

Emma's mouth curved into a small smile. "Like her personality," she quipped, her tone laced with sardonic humour which was typical of her.

Arizona chuckled, a soft, genuine sound that made Emma's heart flutter. "That's one way to put it," Arizona agreed. They walked side by side, the hospital's bustling environment fading into the background as they shared a comfortable silence.

As they neared the coffee station, Emma stole a glance at Arizona, her gaze lingering on the other woman's profile. Despite the chaos and long hours that their job entailed, Arizona always seemed to carry an aura of calm around her. It was one of the many things Emma found herself drawn too.

Arizona caught her staring and raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk on her lips. "What?" she asked, reaching out to grab a cup for Bailey's coffee.

Flustered, Emma quickly looked away, the warmth in her cheeks intensifying. "N-Nothing," she mumbled, reaching out to help Arizona with the coffee.

But Arizona's soft chuckle told her she wasn't fooled, and Emma couldn't help but smile, a strange sense of warmth settling within her. Perhaps, she thought, just maybe, she could let her walls down for Arizona. But the thought was quickly overshadowed by a wave of panic. 

"Ah! Emma! Just the person I was looking for," Richard said smiling at her as he walked over. 

"How's your mother doing?" Richard said smiling politely at Arizona who stood next to her. 

"Oh umm I'm not sure to be honest, we don't have the best relationship sir." Emma said fidgeting with the cup in her hand.

"I can understand that," Richard replied, his gaze softening. "Familial relationships can be complicated. But remember, we're all here for you, Emma." His words hung in the air for a moment, a reminder of the support system that this hospital, this team, offered her. Not just in terms of her career, but in terms of her personal life as well.

Richard looked at her for a moment longer, his eyes reflecting understanding and a hint of sympathy. He then gave her a small nod, as if to say 'you got this', before turning on his heel and walking away. His departure left a silence behind, a peaceful sort of quiet that felt comforting rather than awkward.

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