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Lindsay Haskel was sitting in the office of the most powerful werewolf in the world. Farris Rainer the king of all wolf kind. She was a tad nervous to say the least. She might be a tiger in the court room but here in Royal territory she was a bit off her game. The door opened and Farris walked in. She stood out of respect. He laughed.

"How long has it been Lindsay? How have you been?"

It was her turn to laugh, Farris had been a handsome man in their youth but man standing before her was something else. Not that she had a thing for Farris, he was a relation to her deceased husband John.

"I think the last time I saw you was at Johns funeral fifteen years ago. You have aged well."

He laughed he just turned forty.

"What do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"

She leaned over and handed him the letter addressed to him. She saw the sadness in his eyes. It was John's handwriting.

"This came with a letter directing me to come here and talk with you before Julie turned sixteen."

Farris looked up at the mention of someone turning sixteen. He ripped open the letter and read.

Hey Far,

It's been forever. I hope this letter finds you well. I have a surprise for you. No, I am not alive, but I left an heir. I have not gotten to meet her yet, but I know she will be special, and I know you will not turn your back on her. Now before you get angry and shift. Let me explain why I hid her in the human world and why I didn't tell you my best friend, the brother by choice. You see I knew what a softy you could be and if you found out Linds was having a baby you would never have sent me on the mission I knew I would lose my life on. You know me, I was the only one who could carry it off and I swore an oath to you that I would put down my life for you, and I did gladly. No guilt I mean it.

What I need for you is to take my wife and daughter in before she shifts and teach the ways of our kind. Linds could never teach her the things she needed to do to shift into her wolf. So, I am asking you to be the one to do what I can't. She is the last of my line and that is why I had Linds keep her a secret. I do not know what abilities she will have but you know the gifts of my bloodline and so you know she will be special and sought after for whatever power she has been gifted by the moon goddess. Take care of them for me, and make sure the boy my little girl is mated to is worthy of her, give him hell just for me. I don't know if you had any more children than Dillon but know I need you to step up and be a dad to a teenage girl.


Farris looked up at Lindsay and smiled.

"Johns family home in the royal territory is yours to do what you want. I will have tutors in place. When does she turn sixteen?"


"That doesn't leave much time. It gives us the rest of November and most of December to prepare her for what to expect. I expect the two of you to move here with in the week."

"I can't I have a big trial, but I can get her here before the end of this week. If that is acceptable? This came at a bad time. John never did have good timing."

Farris laughed at John for never had good timing. When he found his mate when they were younger it was just weeks before she had been killed by a rouge. Then he met Lindsay and they seemed to hit it off she was a human who accepted what he was and his duty. He was sure when he told her he had died that was not much comfort. 

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