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At three o'clock Richard returned Julie to the palace so she could get ready for her performance tonight and practice with Dillon. He was not happy she would be alone with the prince. He had a feeling about those two and he did not want to give them any more time alone together. It was obvious she had a crush on the boy, but as she said before she was only fifteen and had a crush on a lot of boys. That did nothing to make his wolf feel better but as a man he understood that was how young girls who had not found their mates yet were.

At four Dillon walked into the Music room and locked the door so they could have their privacy she was already there playing the piano. He walked towards her, and she suddenly stood up and like she was in a trace started towards him. He watched her as he walked his way. She was wearing a black velvet dress that had a lovely v top and a slit up one of the legs. It hugged her body as if she had been poured into it. She stopped in front of him looking at him with longing.

"Kiss me your highness."

"Are you sure?"

She nodded. He cupped her face with his hand and caressed her. He leaned down to press a gentle kiss upon her lips but as soon as their lips touched a fire seemed to ignite between them and soon the kiss was more passionate and primal. As they stood kissing, barely coming up for air the queen's mind linked the two of them.

"I do not hear practicing."

He laughed, of course she didn't think the room was soundproof. He had to guess his mother had walked by the room to check on them and found the door locked. It was the only time they could make an excuse why his scent would be on each other. To his surprise he could smell her arousal and it only made things more intense. God help him waiting till they could be officially mated was going to be the death of him. The things he wanted to do with this girl and this girl alone were all he could think about. He was damned, to be a slave to JJ for the rest of his life. He would do anything for her. They pulled away from each other and she went to the piano and he stood next to it, both feeling the loss of the other.

Before they went into the performance Julie took a minute to go freshen up in the bathroom, she did not want anyone to smell her arousal. She had been so wet for him, there would be no hiding it and that would hurt the plan. When she walked into the dining hall it was commando, and no one needed to know unless she wanted them to. Maybe she would mind link Dillon and tease him about it. Make sure his mind was on her and not that slut Shelvy who was attending dinner tonight along with Richard.

For a change she was seated next to Dillon and across from Richard. When she felt Dillon's hand on her thigh she smiled, and mind linked him.

"You go any farther and you will find that I am not wearing my underwear anymore. I had to take them off because you made me so wet when we were kissing."

His eyes glazed over, and the color changed as he was fighting to control his wolf. He was ready to claim her right there during dinner. Richard noticed the struggle in the prince, but he was not sure what his problem was. He would have been surprised that he was moving his hand up Julie's thigh to see if what she said was true. When he reached her hip, he did not dare to go between her legs or he would embarrass himself he found she was not lying she was definitely nude under her dress. He, mind linked her.

"Do not take the dress of until I come back to the room tonight, I want to do it."

She smiled a wickedly sensual smile that made him wince and Richard took the smile as it was for him and hoped that meant she was coming to terms with the fact that he was her mate. So far, she had not given him the indication that she felt anything, but she was giving it a good try. Maybe he could convince her that chosen mates were just as bonded after they mated and were marked. If she didn't bend to his will, he would take her by force. Killing her was no longer an option he craved her, and she would be his damn whatever the cost maybe Julie Jensen the Princess would be his and his alone.

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