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When they arrived at the daycare with the children, they were excited to see them. Dillon had never been here before. He was amazed at how many children were there. She grabbed his hand and dragged him farther into the building.

"Are you afraid of kids?"


They met the teacher, and she showed them what she wanted them to do. Julie sat in a chair and the teacher gave her a book to read. Dillon sat on the floor with the kids and listened to his mate read in different voices of the characters she was reading about. He looked around and all the kids were spellbound by her reading. She seemed to transport them into another world. He watched as enthusiastic as the little ones were. When she finished the book, the kids demanded another one, but the teacher told them it was timed for them to get ready to go home for the day.

They saw all the children off and then he took her home so she could dress for dinner. She grabbed the teal dress off the hanger. It was a sleeveless short ruched mini dress she grabbed her nude skin tone heels and then went to put on makeup. She had not worn any today and so it was not a quick thing. Her hair she wore it down in her soft curls to completed the ensemble. She grabbed her tan coat that had the inside that matched the fabric of the dress. When she came down the stairs, she saw Dillon on his phone, she took a deep breath hoping he wasn't talking to Shelvy she couldn't take that.

She had not been to the palace before, only the pack house which seemed like a mansion just like her fathers had been. But the palace was an actual castle.

"You live here?"

"Sometimes. I stay more at the pack house with the guys. But yes, this is my home."

He helped her out of the car, and he left her in the parlor while he went to get changed. He did not know what to wear to match JJ, he figured black would match everything. He put his black dress pants and turtle neck on. He put on a black silk jacket. He was ready to run downstairs to get JJ and take her into the formal parlor to meet their guest before dinner. He was taken by surprise when he found her where he left her talking with Alpha Benson's son Marcus Benson the soon to be Alpha of the Bridge Water Pack.

He looked up and saw Dillon and he stood, bowing.

"Your highness."


Julie knew by their tone there was history there. Dillon called her attention back to him.

"Let's join the others."

She got off the couch and was ready to take Dillons offered arm to escort her, but Marcus intercepted and took hers and placed it on his. They all walked into the parlor and Farris could see his son was upset when Julie and Marcus walked in together. He knew why. He thought he would get her away from the boy, maybe it would calm his son down.

"Julie my dear come over here I would like you to meet an old friend of mine and your father's. Alpha Benson."

She bowed her head since he was an Alpha, but she couldn't help noticing the shocked look on the man's face.

"It is nice to make your acquaintance."

The man recovered.

"I was not aware John had a daughter."

"I was raised in the human town with my mother."

The man's eyes lit up at the mention of her mother.

"How is Lindsey doing?"

"She is keeping busy with her law practice."

He turned his attention back to Farris.

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