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When it was a more reasonable hour, they went to tell his parents what happened in her dream. Malcom had already left to the city to protect Lindsay. He knew exactly where to find her. Court, he knew she was working on another big case, she never changed, that was for sure. When he walked into the court room all eyes turned to him except hers because her attention was focused on the judge. He walked up to the front bench and took the seat close to where Lindsay would sit. He waited to see those green eyes that always twinkled in mischief. He remembered she was always up to something.

Lindsay just handed the judge some documents and then turned to walk back to her table when her eyes landed on someone, she had not seen in fifteen years. He was a friend of hers and Johns, but she knew he always wanted more. How many times after John died did, she think about calling the tall and handsome and very dangerous Bata Malcom Forester. She got a chill up her spine. She gave him a big smile and nodded. She turned back to the judge and asked for a short recess. It was granted and she left the courtroom with him.

"Is there something wrong with Julie?"

He laughed, and shook his head no.

"She is fine but the people who killed John are after her. She is the red wolf of Johns family. She had to be protected and so do, you, since you gave birth to her. So here I am volunteering to take care of you."

She smiled at him she knew where this could lead, she had always liked him he was a charmer, and if she had met him first who knew what would have been.

"What does that include Mal?"

"I volunteered to stay with you until things have been solved and stick to you wherever you go."



He smirked and she smiled he could read her thoughts.

"I must get back into the courtroom come and watch me work then. I will be done for the day, and we can go somewhere quiet."

He laughed at what he was hoping. He was a terrible friend to John but damn the man had been dead for sixteen years, how long would it take for this to be right? It was as if she read his thoughts.

"John would be happy he always said if he had lost me to you, he would be glad I was taken care of and loved."

"John said that?"

"He knew how we felt about each other, and he accepted it. He knew neither of us would do anything about it, but he is gone, and his memory was honored, and we are not dead, and we are alive. Besides I need you, I have always needed you, and so I stayed away."

"Lins that doesn't make any sense."

"If anything were to happen between us, I will not feel guilty, but you will so I stayed away. But you are here not telling me that you will follow me in a world of passion and bliss you ready Mal because if you're not send someone else."

He smiled, this is why he volunteered for this job, he wanted this, he wanted her more than anything else in the entire kingdom. They walked back into the courtroom knowing things between them would never be the same.

The Bloodline of the Red WolfWhere stories live. Discover now