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     They had to go down the hall of monarchs to get to the Alpha Kings office she couldn't help noticing the portrait of the girl who looked just like her. The gold name plate proclaimed her to be Queen Luna Mavis. She stood looking at the picture, it was like looking into a mirror. Was she the reincarnation of Mavis? That was silly, she was just Julie and now Mavis. Sure, she was a princess by birth, but she was an ordinary wolf if you didn't know about her powers.

He led her to his father's office where there were only the four of them. His mother joined them to make sure Julie was alright. The king started to ask her about her dream after her and his son sat down. He found it funny Dillon was so protective over her that he had her sitting on his lap and running his finger on her arm tracing circles trying to keep her calm. He couldn't help looking at his wife with the see I told you so smug look on his face.

"Tell us what happened in your dreams Jewels."

She told him about flying over some land she had no idea where it was but there was a pack of wolves running towards something looking for a fight. There was a large black wolf, and two smaller wolves behind him. They seemed to be in an attack formation. But that is all I saw in that dream that happened last night.

"The one today I was in someone's office there were three men in the room other than the man behind the desk. The man behind the desk was talking about my father I guess because he said.

"What do you mean he wasn't the last of his line?"

The man with the scar on his cheek told him about my father had a child with a human. He told him I was now living with the Alpha King on Royal land. They can't get to me while I am Royal Land."

One of the men in the room who was older than the rest of them spoke up. He said he had thought he took care of my father when he sent him back in a box."

The man behind the desk asked if they knew who my mother was but none of them did. They all thought they had killed my father's mate a week after he found her, so there would be no heir. They know I am a girl, and they are curious who my mate is and if he is powerful. The men in the room assured the man behind the desk I wasn't sixteen yet and I had not found my mate yet. They have a man on the inside to watch me and will inform them when and if I show any signs of powers or if it will be my child who will be the child of legend. They threatened to eliminate me and my mate once they found out who it was. He also said he didn't want any more missteps. I do not want my plans spoiled yet again by a Jensen. Now go and get me results." That is all when I woke up and Dillon tried to comfort me. Then he brought me here."

The King brought the Queen and placed her on his lap just like Dillon had done. She was beside herself with worry for the girl she had become very fond of in a short time.

"What are we going to do?" she whispered.

"We will keep them both safe and find out who the traitor is. We will find out where they are located and take the fight to them. This will not go unpunished. They took John's life for what, a legend that is centuries old and no one believed. But it is Julie with all her powers that it was about is my guess. I will call my beta, delta, and gamma you do the same son they should be the people we should be able to trust without hesitation."

"Julie, I need you to listen to me. To protect you I need you to stay here at the palace. You cannot be alone right now. I know you are used to the human world, but this is not like that world, and you need to always stay with Dillon. Even at night. He is the most capable to protect you."

"Yes, Uncle Farris I will stay with him. I do not feel safe without him near me. I can tell when he is away from me, I cannot relax."

"Do you know why?"

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