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He was going to put her on a different floor than him, but all the doors but the master suite were locked. He put their stuff in the room and started to put his stuff away. He couldn't believe his mother would approve of him staying alone with JJ. He did not know she knew that she was his mate.

When Julie walked into the kitchen, she thought it would be modernized but instead was a wood burning stove and a water pump to fill the sink. There was no electricity in this place. Forget electricity, was there wi-fi? She pulled her phone out to see if she had a signal and was happy to find that her top-of-the-line phone only had one bar. She shoved her disappointment aside and filled the stove belly with wood and lit the fire. While it was heating up, she started to slice the potatoes which she threw into the hot frying pan. Then she did the same to the meat and made a simple fair for them for tonight's meal.

When dinner was done, she brought it out to the dining room table she saw when they came in. Dillon had the lamps lit and was sitting at the table waiting for her. She placed a plate in front of him and sat down to eat her food. They were quiet for a time before she spoke up.

"I am sorry I yelled at you. What you do is none of my business."

He only laughed he was sure in a few days she would figure out she was all his business.

"So, what is there to do all the way out here. My phone doesn't have a signal, or electricity?

"You forgot running water."

"Are you telling me there is now shower or bath?"

"Oh, there is a bathtub, but we will have to heat the water to fill it. I guess I should let you know that there is only one room for us to sleep in. It has a fireplace to heat the room so we should be warm. My guess is they were serious about us not being separated."

"We are going to school tomorrow, aren't we?" I do not think I can be stuck here without any convenience."

"We can but we have to stay together. So, one of us is going to have to go to class with the other."

"Just so you know right after school I must go and read at the daycare. Seems I made a good impression on the daycare teacher and the kids and that is what I was assigned as my duty by your mom."

She took the plates away and was surprised when she got back, he had a game of scrabble set up. She took her seven tiles and started to form her word. He did the same and they spent a good hour not talking, just playing the game. When they were finished, they tidied up and he showed her where their room was and the bathroom. All she could think of was it was more primitive than camping. She went to see what had been packed for her sleepwear and evidently someone thought it was funny to send her a satin lace V neck camisole short set with red hearts. She had bought this when she thought she wanted to sleep with Cody, but she had changed her mind and then they moved. This was also not going to keep her warm, but she hated to wear binding sleep wear, so she was stuck. She looked for a robe and there was nothing. She grabbed it and went to clean up and change.

He had to choose boxers or sweats if he had to sleep in something it was boxers, but he did not want her to feel uncomfortable. Sweats it was. He placed the bed warmer he had heated up and climbed into bed hoping that if nothing else they could maintain the peace for bed. When she walked out of the bathroom trying to cover herself up, he knew this was going to be the harshest punishment he would ever have to face. Keeping his hands to himself while his mate drove him crazy. She rushed to her side of the bed and climbed in and tried to hide her body from him which Ryder did not appreciate. He wanted to pay homage to each part of her perfect little body.

The Bloodline of the Red WolfWhere stories live. Discover now