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It took them ten minutes to get to the Royal pack house where the office of the Alpha King was. As soon as she entered the house, the smell of orange blossoms and honey hit her. She took another whiff and instantly calmed. They walked up the stairs to the fourth floor and Scotty knocked.


Scotty opened the door and let Julie go in first then followed her in but did not close the door. He bowed and Julie followed suit.

"Your Majesty this is Julie."

"Thank you, Scotty you are dismissed. Wait downstairs so you can take Lady Jensen home."

He bowed and then froze did he call her Lady Jensen? She was a Royal?

"Please have a seat. I am sorry I was not able to meet with you sooner, but I was out of town till this morning."

"I am sure there were more important things to do than to meet with a teenager."

"You are pretty special Julie may I call you Julie?"

"You may or you can call me Jewels that is what my mom calls me, and I have a feeling the two of you know each other."

He laughed she was very perceptive.

"Your father and I were very close and so it stands to reason that I would know his wife."

He cleared his throat,

"What has your mother told you about all of this?"

She laughed.

"Nothing she has let Martha do all the explaining, and she is back in the city working on a case."

"What has Martha taught you?"

"I have learned how to shift which was amazing. She has taught me how to hunt by smell. She has made me aware of my gifts and that I will have duties because of my bloodline. Other than that, nothing."

Leave it to Martha to leave it to him to tell her what she needed to know. He should have had a good talking to her but she scared him. She had been the Royal Nanny and She was strict with him and John.

"So, tell me what your gift you have received from being a Jensen?"

"I have four so far."

His eyes grew wide, there were only four and the most anyone other than their great, great grandmother had was two.

"Which ones do you have, he did not know what else to say what if she had different ones than were only in the Jensen bloodline."

"I have found that I have the capability to let my wolfs spirit leave my body and sore into the sky where I can see for miles and miles around. I also can go into the eyes of the enemy, I can hear around me in spirit form, and last by not least. I can cloak my precents and mute my scent. One of the things Mavis has told me is that I can camouflage myself it is part of my cloaking."

"How does the eyes of the enemy work?"

"She laughed I have only been told I have it I have not met any enemies, so I have not tried that one."

"May I ask what the color of your wolf is?"

"Red is her main color."

His heart fell, how could she be the chosen one he had thought it was John and the bloodline ended with him. He held back his tears how he missed John things had never been the same since his death.

"You look like your great, great, great grandmother. She was as beautiful as you and she also had a Red wolf. They are very rare you know."

She shook her head no she had no idea she had a rare wolf. The Alpha King called her attention back to him.

The Bloodline of the Red WolfWhere stories live. Discover now