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They were two days from the ball and three days from her birthday. She had spent the days with Richard and her nights with Dillon. She could not wait till she could be mated with Dillon and stop this façade. Tonight, she would be playing for the Royal pack and their families. They even had Alphaclaws coming. She couldn't wait to see that. He was going to be passing out gifts to the little wolves. One of the Alpha's from another pack had a pure white wolf and he came to spread Alphaclaw joy.

At Eight Julie began playing Christmas music, with Dillon turning the pages for her. Richard was glad it wasn't Scotty. He would be the first one whose throat he would rip out. He would not be her mate he would die before Richard gave him the chance to claim her. She felt a chill go up her spine.

"Something is wrong my wolf can feel it."

He looked at her trying to feel what she was feeling but he couldn't.

"What do you think it is?" He turned the page of her music.

"I don't know but it's big, Mind link your dad and have him be on alert. Also, I will try to read Richard's mind after I finish playing. I cannot do both."

She finished playing with people calling for an encore. She had stood and took a bow but what she was doing was reading Richard's mind. They knew he was changing his plans about the attack being on her birthday, could it be tonight to keep her from finding her true mate? She listened to his thoughts.

"Is the pack ready to advance? Wait for my signal, it will soon. She is going to give them an encore and I will grab her after that before the fighting starts. Once I have her kill them all who will not submit to my rule."

She walked back over to piano and whispered something into Dillon's ear. She then picked up her violin and began to play. She really needed to keep her cool. She had closed her eyes between songs and mind linked Scotty.

"You stay away from Richard and his cohorts. They want your blood. Promise me you will stay out of harm's way."

She heard him laugh in her head.

"I am the beta princess I am the strongest other than the prince. I can not stay out of the fight it is not possible."

"I know but I thought I would ask. After all we put you in the position that he thinks you're the threat."

"As it should be Doll Face. I must go the king is giving out orders. Stay safe."

Then he broke the connection, and she started to shed tears. If anything happened to him it would be all her fault. She loved Dillon in the he was the only one for her. Scotty on the other hand she loved him like a big brother, and she did not think she could face a world he was not in he made her smile."

While she was playing, she sent her spirit wolf out to see where the attack would come from. To her surprise they were coming through the front gate. She relayed that message and continued playing. She knew she needed to locate if there was another threat. She found stragglers near the cabin they had shared for the night. Since everything blew up, they never made it back there. She let Dillon know of the ones near the cabin.

She decided to listen to Shelvy, after all she was one of the traitors, the one she liked the least to be accurate.

"Keep an eye on the prince do not hurt him he is mine. I will be come queen and be able to make the Crimson Wolves the rulers of wolfdom everywhere."

She was pretty sure if she got to take anyone out it would be her, she hated Shelvy for trying to take her mate. Not that Shelvy knew that, but it was the principle of the thing. He was Julie's not Shelvy's. When Julie finished her encore two guards Julie was expecting stepped up on stage and escorted her off. She was to be the secret weapon for this war, and they were taking her to a safe house along with the queen and her mother.

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