VI. Chapter 16 - Naughty

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We arrived at 8pm with Nam to help her friend decorate and set up. It's now midnight and the party's in full swing. The apartment is very big. There are people in every room. Laughter and shouting are muffled by the bass of resonant electro music. I walk alone, drink in hand, down the apartment's long corridor, lit by pyramid-shaped red neon lights. My vision starts to blur and my head starts to spin. I'm on my 4th cocktail. 

I look at my cell phone. Still no word from Becky.

I take a sip and lean against the wall near the bathroom door. There are 2 people in front of me. I wait. I take another sip. The cocktail tastes of vodka and passion fruit. I should have added some sugar, the acidity is a bit aggressive eventhough I like it.

I look at my cell again. Still nothing.
I try to call her but she doesn't answer.
I hope nothing's happened to her, but I have to admit I'm a little worried.

The door in front of me opens. My turn at last. I pee without sitting on the toilet. I have to hold on. My legs are restless. I'm drunker than I thought. 

I look at my reflection in the mirror. My hair is long, loose and a little disheveled, my skin is slightly shiny, the black of my make-up has run a bit under my eyes, giving an air of mystery. One side of my t-shirt falls below my shoulder. I think I look sexy. I wish Becky were here. I join Nam on the improvised dance floor in the living room. She smiles when she sees me. She asks me if I've heard from Becky and I shrug my shoulders and shake my head.

I close my eyes and let myself go to the rhythm of the music. I move calmly, sensually even, my body, my hips, my arms, my hands, my head. I feel my hair brush against the skin of my back. Bodies brush against me and alcohol burns my throat and courses through my veins. My senses heighten tenfold.

After a few songs, I open my eyes heart suddenly starts beating faster. Before me, that look. That look I know so well, staring at me without moving. Among all the moving heads and bodies, this gaze is fixed, penetrating, looking only at me.


 I stop dancing. Leaning against the wall, she doesn't move. People try to talk to her, but she doesn't answer. I take a step into the dark room. Many bodies pass in front of us. I feel as if I'm dreaming, as if at any moment she's going to disappear. Bluish lights pass over her face, accentuating her spellbound gaze. There's something exciting about this scene. The sound, the light, the people, the half-light, my sensitive skin, the alcohol, her. Her. She moves away from the wall and strides towards me, making her way through the people gesticulating in all directions. Becky. My love. I smile. She clings to me and holds me tight. I can smell her perfume, her skin, her hair. I've missed her so much.

- You could have told me you were coming!
- I wanted to surprise you.
- Have you been here long?
- Enough to watch you dance.

She smiles at me. I can see her dilated pupils and her gaze on my lips despite the lack of light. I want her so much too. It's torture not being able to do anything with all these people around us. I bite my lip as I look at hers. Damn alcohol. I want to kiss her so badly. I move closer. Becky looks around. We watch Nam from the side, who spies on us without any discretion. 

I take Becky by the hand and lead her down the long corridor. She follows me without saying a word. I open the first door on the right. The room is surprisingly empty. A faint light illuminates the room towards the back. I close it behind us and press her against the door. She grabs my hair and kisses me hard.

The kiss is intense. Our open mouths give way to our sensually mingling tongues. Her hand tightens on my hair as the other grabs my buttocks. Both my hands pass over her body.

I want to touch her, everywhere.
I want to smell her.

" I've missed you so much ". She kisses my neck. "You should have warned me, I don't like to be worried". She runs her hand up my shirt and massages my breasts. The feel of her fingers on my nipples as she squeezes electrifies me. "You were such a bad girl not to tell me that you were coming". She unbuttons my jeans as my hand moves up to her neck, which I squeeze slightly. "Oh, and you're going to do what?" she says, smiling and gently licking my skin.

I take it as a challenge. A provocation. Alcohol probably.

"I punish naughty girls." She moves her head back a little and leans it against the door. Her gaze is at once surprised, serious and... aroused? There's something intense, something new. Her mouth is open, I can see her breast rise and fall, a drop of sweat running down her temple. What a temptation. She smiles provocatively. "Really?". That's a dangerous question. Yes, yes I want to punish you. So much. I look into her eyes for a few seconds. I bring my mouth to her ear.

- Yes, I whisper to her.
- Oh, would you really like to punish me?

Her smile fades. She bites her lips, tilts her head a little to the side and presses her crotch to my thigh, starting to rub herself very, very gently. Fuck.

- Freen?

How could the situation have changed like this in a matter of seconds? I hesitate for a moment. But I quickly succumb to a certain unusual euphoria. I place one hand on the door beside her face. With the other, I stop the movement of her hips.

- Naughty girls aren't allowed to pleasure themselves, Bec.

I see her close her eyes. Her brows furrow, her hands tighten on my shirt. I hear her panting breath against my ear. She likes it. Becky likes it. Fuck. My heart is pounding. My sex heats up, I can feel my wetness starting to flow. I bring my mouth to hers and begin to speak very softly, articulating every word.

- When we get home, I'm gonna...

Someone tries to open the door with force, causing Becky to lunge forward and bang her head against mine. We quickly step back and the door opens wide. Several people enter noisily without really noticing us. I take Becky's hand and lead her back to the dance floor.

My hands are shaking and clammy.

I'm not even paying attention to our surroundings, my thoughts are in this room. I'm both embarrassed and overexcited. I look at Becky, who seems to have the same dilemma.

Nam catches up with us and looks at us curiously.

- Are you ok?
- Ah, not really, Becky's not feeling too well we're going to head back.
- But she's just arrived! - She turns to Becky - But you've just arrived!

Becky puts her hand on her belly.

- It's the trip, I'm a bit nauseous.

Nam looks at me warily but says nothing. She beckons me to call her tomorrow. I nod and we head for the exit.

The journey to the car is silent. We're each in our own thoughts. Once settled, I put the radio on low and start the car. Becky turns to me and looks at me tenderly. I prefer to stare at the road ahead. I've been drinking, I shouldn't be driving, so I try to pay attention and concentrate.

- Hey - she says, smiling gently at me - do you want to talk about it?
- I don't know, I don't know what to say right now. Can we talk about it when we get there?

Becky nods gently and looks at the road ahead. My hands are sweaty again. I know she liked the idea, but I don't know if I want to talk about it. I'm not sure it means the same to her as it does to me. For a long time I kept it a secret. The fact that this desire is suddenly coming true is stressing me out a bit. I'm not prepared for it. And at the same time, the idea of being able to punish her makes me shiver all over.

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