VIII. Chapter 21 - Do you trust me?

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- Did you do it on purpose?
- What?
- Open your sweater to show off your cleavage?
- I have no idea what you're talking about! - I reply with a mischievous smile.
- I don't like it Bec and you know it. You're going to attract pervs.

I start laughing.

- We already have some weird fans. Do you know how many dick pics I've already received on Instagram?

I see Freen's face fall.

- What? Are you serious? Why didn't you ever tell me?
- Because I delete them directly.
- You'll never show another shoulder in your life, I warn you!

Freen leaves, slamming the door. Her reaction makes me laugh. She's very protective of my body. It's not even jealousy. It's real protection. I know there are some disturbed fans out there, both guys and girls, but I don't want to hide either. I don't have the same origins as Freen, I'm less modest and my body isn't something to be hidden. I'm proud of mine and I like to show it off, I like to be sexy.

Since her breakdown two days ago, we haven't talked about our "little game" and I miss it. I don't know if it's because she doesn't feel like it anymore or if something's blocking her, but I'd really like to get back to the Freen she used to be. I know she's there, maybe I just need to motivate her, give her back her confidence. So I head for the wardrobe where I grab a black nightdress and slip it on. It's very short and has transparent lace around the breasts. I retrieve the box from under the bed and head for the living room.

- Baby?

When Freen raises her head, she has a look of surprise. She looks first at the box, then down at my body, starting with my legs, my breasts and then my shoulders. I take the opportunity to gently make a strap fall on my shoulder. Her cheeks turn red and she turns her face a little, smiling shyly. Interesting.

- Maybe you can show me the surprise you promised last time? How's that?

She bows her head in embarrassment.

- I... I don't know. I'm a little tired.

Oh. I walk over to her and sit down. I lay the box on her side and take her hand, caressing it.

- Talk to me. What's wrong?
- I... I'm so weak Bec, how can I talk to you about dominance or control when I can't even control myself? How can you trust me when I fall apart like this and...
- Hey, one has nothing to do with the other. Look at me! - She raises her head slowly - Your desire for me has nothing to do with what's happening with the fans. You can want to control me and be afraid of others. You can want to dominate me and be afraid of noise, you can make me come like surely no one ever will - I whisper this sentence close to her mouth smiling confidently - and be afraid to go outside. The important thing is our intimacy, our desires, the respect we have for each other and... I miss the dominant Freen who controls me.

She gazes deep into my eyes. I caress her cheek gently when she suddenly kisses me fiercely. She grabs my hair with her hand and squeezes hard. Yes. Yes, Freen! Hold me tight. Don't stop. When she pulls back I see the sparkle return to her eyes.

- I want to feel you controlling me again Baby, tell me what to do, tell me when to come. I want to bend to your desires, use me Freen. I beg you, please. Let yourself go. Command me. It's just the two of us, it's just me. Make me come the way you know how.

I look at her pleadingly. She lets out a little moan, closes her eyes and stands up. I can see from her posture that the strong Freen is returning. She turns for a moment, lets out a long breath and, still with her back to me, says "Since you like to undress in front of everyone..." she turns back to me and, with that superior, cold look she sometimes has that makes me flinch completely, she continues "I'm going to sit down and I want you to undress in front of me". Her gaze turns dark.

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