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Being handcuffed was a feeling Moon did not know how to describe. Or rather, feeling psychologically safe in them felt too weird for her rational mind. Staring at the round-shaped metal around her hands, she saw Law coming forward to touch it a few times, then shake his head.

"This isn't made of sea prism. Change it."

Moon wanted to rebut him by mentioning that she felt significantly weaker with the handcuffs on, but she knew his expression carried a sort of weirdness that she could not put a word on. He must be plotting something, she thought, as Law brought forward a handcuff with his katana as if touching it would weaken him as well.

"Seems like this is right. Dumbasses, she's a devil fruit user."

The men frowned amongst themselves before going forward to handcuff her with a different one. Feeling an immediate sense of relief once her arms were freed, she almost let out a grin but kept to his mysterious mini plan  and acted weaker with the new handcuffs on. She dropped her arms slowly despite being fully aware that they were not made of sea prism, slouching onto the wall gradually as well. She looked up at the black-haired pirate, giving him the coldest look she could muster.

"A deal is a deal, huh, Law."

"I don't want the Celestial Dragons to come after my crew."

At their conversation, the men on the ship shrugged, feeling grateful that they were being so obedient. Not bothering to question the people that brought them down once, they began smoking and relaxing in their chairs, when the snail that Moon once threw on the floor began ringing. Law raised his chin to instruct the ring leader to pick it up, which he did in a scurry.


'You done playing with bitches? Where are you? And she's coming along, right?'

"We are on the way, and yeah, she's here."

Hanging up the snail after a few foul exchanges, the men snickered at her current state. With her arms crossed in front of her, she was sitting on the floor against a musty wood wall. Her hair was messily framing her face, with her mouth closed shut and eyes fixed on the floor. Law took a seat quite far from her as if to keep a safe distance from the sea prism, and Luffy was habitually on the figurehead of the ship, watching the voyage ahead. Zoro was quietly observing the situation, him sitting closer to the so-called helpless woman. The unruly men were more calm now at the situation turning to their favour, and they were slowly limping around looking for food.

"Fuck, where did all the food and drinks go?"

"I ate it. Have a problem?"


Moon was the first to reply with a flat tone of voice, and the man walked forward to tip her chin up roughly. Zoro's hands were already on his katanas, as he saw the man scan her up and down again.

"You ate all of that? And drank all that booze?"

"Yeah. What are you going to do?"

He lifted her up by the neck, making her choke and fumble with her feet to try and get a footing. He hit her against the wall, and looked down at her relatively well-curved waist and let out a laugh of ridicule.

"Doesn't seem like it."

Feeling the grip around her neck tightening, she closed her eyes and hung her head low as a way to stop herself from making eye contact with the gruff man that was obviously leaving her unwanted looks. Coughing out loud, she heard the sound of metal being moved about. She then noticed the shadows of katana against hers; and looked up to see both Zoro and Law pointing their weapons at him. He dropped her roughly, and she fell on the floor as if she had no control over her own body. Feeling a thumping ache in her hips, she rubbed the sore spots tenderly while frowning hard. Law's face was surprisingly not as menacing as what she imagined, and his voice was calmer than before.

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