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Justice is subjective.

The definition of justice will differ from individual to individual, based on experiences, values, and goals.

Even with the same intentions, the action taken to achieve that intention can differ greatly. For instance, both individuals might be trying to protect their own families, but the action might be to kill the other person's family.

How ironic and cruel the world is.

"Mommy, no fight."

Knowing what Moon's job was roughly, Iah tugged onto her shirt as she buttoned up the uniform for another day of teaching. She ruffled his hair up lovingly, squatting down to his eye level. He stared at her with his huge pupils and chubby cheeks declaring its presence, melting her heart in an instant.

"Mommy is going to teach today. No fight!"
"Good boy. My smart darling. As smart as your daddy is!"

Whenever she was away from Law, she would remind Iah of his presence and abilities as a doctor. Instead of being remembered as a pirate, she wished for Iah to remember him as a person who is able to heal others and a father figure that is dependable in many ways.

"Let's go."

Letting out her hand for him to hold, she walked out of her room to the training room, being tasked to teach the adult recruits today. Going through the materials over in her head, she hummed a short tune to herself before clearing her throat and entering the place. She was faced with all the recruits dressed neatly in their uniforms and gave them a small grin before holding Iah up. Balancing him on her hips, she began lessons proper with a greeting.

"Good morning, class. Today, we will be learning about effective communications, from subordinate to superior and vice versa...."

As she began flashing the slides using the snail, the door of the room opened hurridely, and a corporal rushed in to whisper some information to Moon.

"The Surgeon of Death, Trafalgar Law has begun launching attacks at Sabaody. This is an emergency."

Even before Moon could react, Iah overheard the name of his father and gleefully shouted the word she did not want to hear right now. Everyone began gushing as Moon stuttered a while before grabbing the corporal's collar.

"Ba...babe. Told you not... Not to rush in like that."

The students began cheering and hooting at finally finding out the piece of information they wanted to know, as the corporal looked obviously stunned and confused. She tightened the grip around his uniform, going close to him to plant a peck on his cheek from being equally flustered. She whispered in his ear to please play along, as he nodded his head with his cheeks all red. Iah looked visibly confused, and she placed him on the ground and demanded a more detailed situation briefing. She turned to address the class first and rushed out with the corporal.

"Class, we will end the lesson here today. And let's not spread rumours, alright?"
"No promises! Woah, you're so lucky, Corporal Ivel!"

The three headed to the meeting room with all the higher-ups inside, the corporal trying to figure out the situation at hand. Moon was the same- wondering why she was relayed this particular information, she rushed in to see Captain Koby, Lieutenant Commander Helmeppo, Senior Recruit Gary and some other important figures she recognised. Oh, Koby. It must be why.

"Please, take a seat, Private Moon."
"Yes, sir."

Saluting everyone inside, she sat down nervously and hugged Iah close as he played with the strands of hair that framed her face. One of the higher-ups began speaking, his face all serious.

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