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Movie Part Four

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Movie Part Four


Parenting Isn't A Walk In The Park

10 year old Elijah had everything figured out

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10 year old Elijah had everything figured out. He had been planning this for months, hiding everything he needed under his mattress on different pieces of paper. With everything he had collected, Elijah could have created a book on his parents about everything they do during the night from how long they have slept to the time they wake up. It had been months in the making and Elijah had finally gotten everything he had needed for his plan to work.

Pulling all the papers out, Eli littered his floor with them all setting them out in the right order for his plan. Everything had to be perfect and Eli hadn't spent months planning this for it all to fall out at the last second. Walking over to his door, Eli pulled it open waiting for the click to happen and the annoying screech that happened every time he opened his door. Now to Eli, this wasn't something that happened naturally, no, it was something that his parents had planned so he could never leave his room during the night. Waiting a couple of minutes, Eli started making the escape out of his room and across the long hallway that led towards the stairs. His small feet were scurrying as quick as they could, Eli sometimes pausing for a quick second to make sure that he hadn't woken up his parents. Knowing he was safe, Eli carried on making his way downstairs and scurried straight to the kitchen and towards the cupboard that was his final goal.

Standing in the doorway of the kitchen, wrapped in Derek's shirt, Isabella watched Eli look so proud of himself. She had heard him move as soon as he opened his bedroom door but decided to let him have his fun. Watching Eli start eating his father's favourite chocolate with a big smile on his face, was something Isabella always wanted to remember.

"Elijah Aiden Joseph Hale" Isabella snapped, her voice incredibly playful and not one bit sounding as if she was scolding his fun "Now, what do you think you're doing, Little Wolf?"

"Chocolate, mom" Eli asked, holding up some of the chocolate for his mom to have "It's actually pretty good, can see why dad likes it so much"

Smiling, Isabella had no choice but to take the chocolate and took a bite "That's because you're father pays some good money for this chocolate" watching Eli smile as he took another bite was something that made Isabella smile "But we can't tell dad we stole any, he's never going to forgive us"

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